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Blog - Holographic Reflections

Blog posts with my reflections,  coaching notes, and opinions.    

Holographic Reflections & Coaching Notes 

  • October 18, 2021 2:33 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with
    the best of nature and your inner connection

    The Energy Season of Metal Element

    Quality #4 - Perfection

    As of September 22, 2021 we are now in the seasonal energy of Metal Element that aligns with autumn in the northern hemisphere. Click here if you are in the southern hemisphere.

    Are You a Perfectionist Or Do You See the Perfection in Everything? ...

    Closely related to last week's metal quality of VALUE is PEFECTION. Resonating with healthy forms of this quality helps us to do our best, and judge when doing our best is really not required or a poor use of inner resources. Coherent qualities of perfection allow us to see life's situations to be in perfect order and find the blessing in what ever we are facing. We can easily accept life as it is and work with what we have yet feel accomplished.

    For example, recently I was working on a bag making project. At one point, I hunted high and low for my bottle of fabric glue to use on one of the finishing details. Once i resigned myself to not being able to find the glue, I thought of an even better way to finish the project. The glue reappear when no longer needed! It was perfect!

    The non-coherent side of perfection is perfectionism where we are driven to be or appear to be perfect well beyond doing our best. In this state we are often immobilized to perform a task unless we know for sure in advance it will be perfect or keep working at it until it is. It's as though an inner critic sits on our shoulder throughout the day declaring a task not finished because it isn't perfect enough. Perfectionism also interferes with our use of time and timing as we tend to then procrastinate on tasks we don't feel we can do perfectly enough OR we take far too long to complete a task trying to make it perfect. Unfinished tasks then pile up in our life draining our energy.

    How does the quality of perfection show up for you in your life? Consider how it affects your work, relationships, friendships, physical activity or your verbal expression? What negative feelings accompany this state of being? How do others react? What is the worst aspect of this quality for you?

    What qualities of PERFECTION  do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?)

    Non Coherent Aspects -

    • I am a perfectionist
    • I am unable to say I am sorry because this will prove I am imperfect
    • I cannot stand being wrong
    • I am judgmental of others for not living the perfect ideal all the time

    Coherent Aspects -

    • I experience the divine perfection in my life
    • I let go of my need to prove that I am the best
    • Everything is in divine order
    • I learn from my mistakes

    How will you use the energy of the Metal Element Season and the quality of PERFECTION to add to your positive life story... where everything makes sense and you anticipate being at the beginning of something wonderful happening for you?

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!... 

    With love and light 


    Scroll down...

  • October 13, 2021 4:38 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with
    the best of nature and your inner connection

    The Energy Season of Metal Element

    Quality #3 - Value

    As of September 22, 2021 we are now in the seasonal energy of Metal Element that aligns with autumn in the northern hemisphere. Click here if you are in the southern hemisphere.

    What do you value? ..I am always moved to tears to watch the news reports of victims from any number of natural disasters - fires, floods, earthquakes etc. Inevitably, survivors all say with devastation and sadness, that even though they lost many treasured things... they feel lucky that they or their family survived. "Everything else can be replaced"... is the usual refrain.

    Coherent metal element does give us the ability to... value things that are important to us, as well as intangible qualities - intellectual gifts, personality, relationships etc. When our metal is coherent we take care of these things, give them a rightful place in our lives and feel energized by their presence in our life. And while we may value material things our coherent metal energy will help us determine what is of true importance and value for us - our family and other relationships.

    When our metal element is non coherent we may find ourselves becoming very materialistic - wanting and acquiring things beyond our means to show off and build our self esteem. We may be inclined to hang onto things no longer knowing why we have them or its value to us. Evidence of this pattern may be found in over-flowing drawers, closets, garages, attics etc We may put down others in the workplace to make our own position more important or engage in nasty gossip for the same reason. We may also devalue ourselves and our gifts and talents.

    Energize your Metal Element - Boost your metal element energy with this quick journaling exercise. Write out several brain-stormed lists of all the things you value - a My Favorite Things List, top 10 favorite experiences, favorite friendships and relationships, 10 things about you that you appreciate, and 10 things you appreciate about someone in your life who is difficult for you. Notice how you feel and your body sensations as you write out these lists.

    How has the metal element quality of VALUE
    supported your life story?

    What qualities of vALUE do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?)

    Non Coherent Aspects -

    • I devalue others
    • Others demean me.
    • I buy objects to impress people.
    • I emphasize things of external worth in compensation for my low sense of self worth

    Coherent Aspects -

    • I value myself and others
    • Others value me.
    • I appreciate what is of true and lasting value in people and things.

    How will you use the energy of the Metal Element Season and the quality of VALUE to add to your positive life story... where everything makes sense and you anticipate being at the beginning of something wonderful happening for you?

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!... 

    With love and light 


  • October 07, 2021 3:00 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with
    the best of nature and your inner connection

    The Energy Season of Metal Element

    Quality #2 - Inspiration

    As of September 22, 2021 we are now in the seasonal energy of Metal Element that aligns with autumn in the northern hemisphere. Click here if you are in the southern hemisphere.

    When was the last time you felt inspired by something... sso inspired that it moved you to some focused action, impulse or awakening? Do you remember what created the stir of excitement within you to then be in the flow of the new idea you were exploring?

    I can vividly recall the rush of excitement learning the principles of Feng Shui, the Color Your World image system, photography basics, and of course resonance repatterning and now integral theory. Each of these concepts provided new learning, new ideas, new ways of creating fulfillment in my life. The phrase "been there, done that, bought the video and TShirt" certainly applies here!

    How Inspiration Helps....The coherent state of being inspired is accompanied by other positive states of being that tend to open us up to higher states of conscious awareness. These qualities can help us add to the amazing story of our life that we tell ourselves.

    The quality of 'openness to experience and absorption' -in any situation, spontaneous inspiration may occur when we take a position of allowing a new learning or idea to be received without hasty judgment. Think about it... how often do you nix an idea from someone before you have heard all the details? Do you hear yourself saying '...we can't because..'? When you can take the time to explore something (without commitment or judgment) you are opening to a possibility of inspiration.

    States of Flow - When we are inspired by something and engage in the possibilities it holds for us personally, we tend to feel more confident, competent, optimistic and well about ourselves. This may also accompany a state of motivation and desire to get things done that puts us in a state of flow.

    Meaning and Fulfillment - In a full-out inspired flow state, we are motivated to master our work, stay absorbed and focused on something we are learning. We also feel creative. These states of inspiration helps us to find meaning in our everyday experiences and want to share our experiences with others.

    How has the metal element quality of INSPIRATION supported your life story?

    What qualities of INSPIRATION do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?)

    Non Coherent Aspects -

    • I am unable to inspire others with my decisions or ideas
    • I am cut of from inspiration
    • I feel uninspired by my spiritual life/work/relationships

    Coherent Aspects -

    • I inspire others
    • I am inspired by words, art, the beauty of nature, and life experiences
    • I experience inspiration often
    • I experience meaning in every aspect of my life

    How will you use the energy of the Metal Element Season and the quality of inspiration to add to your positive life story... where everything makes sense and you anticipate being at the beginning of something wonderful happening for you?

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!... 

  • September 16, 2021 12:50 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with
    the best of nature and how you handle transitions... 

    The Energy Season of EARTH Element

    Quality #2 - Security

    How does a feeling of security show up in your life?

    Our Earth element quality of security is supported when we take actions such as - lock our doors, drive carefully minding all the traffic rules, mind our belongings out in public, scrutinize too good to be true email offers, memorize passwords, or put valuables in a safety deposit box. It requires us to be discerning, careful and take right timely action.

    When we take actions that support our security we can feel relaxed, at peace and have a sense of inner freedom that allows us to venture out into the world. We also know the boundaries for our security and have a sense when our security is compromised or threatened. Many victims of violence report afterwards that they had a sense something bad was going to happen but failed to do take simple actions like crossing the street to avoid a perpetrator.

    However, if we are too paranoid about our security we can go overboard with self protection actions. For many people, the pandemic has accelerated this feeling perhaps making it challenging to re-enter the world and feel safe there. Mushrooming security fears may cause us to energetically cut ourselves off from the world for self protection and not live our life fully. We can become constrained by the onset of unfounded fears and anxieties.

    What qualities of security do you resonate with?

    Non Coherent Aspects:

    • I create tension in those around me.
    • I am insecure and anxious.
    • I am careless with safety and security.
    • I usually say no to new opportunities so that I can stay safe.

    Coherent Aspects:

    • I am stable and predictable in my relationships.
    • I am a source of tranquility for others.
    • I am secure, relaxed and calm inside myself.
    • I feel safe and secure in a way that allows me to explore my world and new opportunities.
    How will you use the energy of the Fire Element Season and the quality of security to add to your positive life story where everything makes sense and you anticipate being at the beginning of something wonderful happening for you?

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!...

    I have options to help! Use my (FREE) 5 Seasons repatterning series to boost your energy at any time... To boost your fire element energy for the quality of SECURITY  try the Transitions Repatterning for the Earth  element. Simply download the notes and use them to follow along with the video adding in your own answers. The hologram has anticipated you!

    With light and love 

    Carolyn Winter
    Holographic Coach

  • September 05, 2021 5:40 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with
    the best of nature and how you handle transitions...  

    The Energy Season of EARTH Element

    Quality #1 - Reaping the Harvest

    The 5th Season - Are you aligning with the seasonal energy patterns and all of their respective positive qualities? While the calendar points out 4 distinct seasons that energetically each line up with a season (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer), there is hidden 5th energy season to be aware of. The 'season' of EARTH ELEMENT. This seasonal energy happens 4 times per year for a few weeks in between each season and also has with it a number of related qualities that you can activate to support yourself. You could think of it as the seasonal energy of TRANSITIONS.

    Have you noticed how your day is affected by this energy?

    Energetically, we are now in the 'in-between' season of Earth Element that happens between summer and fall in the northern hemisphere. Here in Toronto we could really feel the arrival of this energy with a dramatic drop in temperature going from sweltering daytime highs of 105 °F to the low 70's °F. The chill in the air brings a reminder that carefree days of summer fun are over and it's time to get ready for...going back to work or school or get ready for the winter. The markets are flourishing with the season's harvest of plums, pears, the last of the peaches and corn and more. It used to be a time of year when many households would can or 'put up' their garden harvests - an activity the synchs up perfectly with the Earth Element quality of "Reaping the Harvest". Many small towns and cities celebrate with an end of season 'fair' for a last hurrah of summer fun while celebrating the local harvests.

    Reaping Your Harvest

    Our current transitional energy asks us to review the seeds (or goals/intentions) we planted last spring. Now it's time to take stock of all that we have planted and reap our harvest whether it is your garden produce or metaphorically your life plans, your work, your projects, etc. For example...

    At work - It's a great time to evaluate your targets and plans at work, celebrate successes, and appreciate accomplishments. Any regrets?

    Personal Plans - How did your plans for personal growth and change work out? Did therapy, alternative healing or growth webinars help you? (or Holographic Coaching with me?) Name one new insight about yourself that you attained in the last few months.

    Learning New Things - life today especially online is all about fearlessly learning new things or ways of doing things. What did you learn in the last few months and how is it helping you? What do you have left to learn? Have you mastered an aspect of social media, google docs or something on your computer? Did you finish the webinars you bought this year and use them to their fullest?

    Relationships - What effort did you put in to get around all the covid restrictions and the post covid challenges to reconnect with others as restrictions were lifted? How have your relationships with others benefitted? .

    Reap the harvest of your life experiences and notice your energy in the next 2-3 weeks. How is it changing for you?

    What qualities of Reaping the Harvest do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?)

    Non Coherent Aspects -

    • I fail to harvest riches from my experiences
    • I am unable to see the positive in difficult circumstances or situations
    • I have no reserves to draw on in times of need.

    Coherent Aspects -

    • Ieap the full harvest of my rich life experiences
    • I reap what is positive even from difficult situations
    • I celebrate the harvest accomplishments, natural endings, and new perspectives I have gained

    How will you use the energy of the Fire Element Season and the quality of Reaping the Harvest to add to your positive life story where everything makes sense and you anticipate being at the beginning of something wonderful happening for you?

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!...

    I have options to help! Use my (FREE) 5 Seasons repatterning series to boost your energy at any time... To boost your fire element energy for the quality of Reaping the Harvest  try the Transitions Repatterning for the Earth  element. Simply download the notes and use them to follow along with the video adding in your own answers. The hologram has anticipated you!

    With light and love 

    Carolyn Winter
    Holographic Coach

  • August 29, 2021 5:17 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with
    the best of nature and your relationships...

    Our final weekly focus for the Fire Element season of summer is the quality of JOY. What fills you with joy, exuberant self expression, blissful abandon and happiness?

    When was the last time you can recall being in a state of joy?

    As we travel our personal holographic universe, resolving life issues and getting our needs met can be challenging causing our daily focus to default towards problems. We may get into a bad habit of starting the day wondering what shoe will drop now or what big problem is coming my way? ...soon forgetting our personal goals and what makes us happy and content.

    However, if our Fire Element energy is coherent and balanced, the summer time season may especially help us to activate our natural quality of joy - despite life's obstacles.

    When we feel joy or remember a time when we were joyful, it brings with it a very high energizing frequency and rush of endorphins that helps us manage life's problems efficiently. We feel healthy and optimistic. We enjoy the day making the best of miserable weather or other circumstances, always finding a reason to smile or enjoy life. In a state of natural joy we tend to light up a room and set others vibrating with joy as well.

    GET MORE JOY... Joy is a quality that may be cultivated and truly help us create a positive life story.

    For example we can make a daily habit of naming and letting go of our regrets and listing all of our appreciations...Or - we can take some time to notice the beauty of nature and the inner light of people who surround us.

    Try any of these actions and get in touch with the feeling of unexplained joy.

    You will be uplifted.

    What qualities of JOY do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?)

    Non Coherent Aspects -

    • I can't connect with others joyfully and with humor
    • I can't let go and be playful
    • i have no joy in life.

    Coherent Aspects -

    • I am happy within myself.
    • I am joyful, playful and full of laughter and fun
    • The inner light of others, and the perfection of nature uplifts me.
    • I make time to do something each day that brings me joy.

    How will you use the energy of the Fire Element Season and the quality of JOY to add to your positive life story where everything makes sense and you anticipate being at the beginning of something wonderful happening for you?

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!...

    I have options to help! Use my (FREE) 5 Seasons repatterning series to boost your energy at any time... To boost your fire element energy for the quality of Joy  try the Summer Season Repatterning for the Fire element. Simply download the notes and use them to follow along with the video adding in your own answers. The hologram has anticipated you!

    With light and love 

    Carolyn Winter
    Holographic Coach

  • August 24, 2021 1:32 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with
    the best of nature and your relationships...

    The Energy Season of Fire Element

    Quality #9 - Maturity

    How accepting are you of the aging process? Are you feeling old -like life is passing you by? Or are you feeling that aging is something that belongs to someone else not you?

    It is important to resonate with our stage of life and the full potential of what each stage offers us. When it comes to the Fire Element quality of MATURITY we are luckily supported by the baby boomer group of the population.

    Boomers have been changing the norms of what is acceptable for every stage of the life cycle since the 60's and as they(we) mature - aging is also being redefined. This group has opened the door to uncharted territories of what it means to become old. What any of us do at this stage will set a new normal for generations to come!

    In the mix of changes are societal expectations for a longer lifespan, retirement well past a previous requirement of 65 years, and a longer healthspan. When we are seniors, we are now more likely to expect to live longer and participate longer in the economy, in some adapted way that taps into our wisdom and experience.

    How we spend our money also matters. What is emerging is a longevity economy where seniors have a voice and figure prominently.

    It's a title wave of consciousness that is supported by the fact that seniors world wide aged 65 or older outnumbered children younger than five globally for the first time in 2018. This group demands to be seen, heard, valued and respected. It is a global consciousness we can also tap into and contribute to with our self-perception for maturity.

    • Do you resonate with accepting your age, life stage and growing older?
    • Do you have dreams, plans or desires to keep going with self employment, projects, or passions?
    • When you shop do you insist on products designed for your life stage or do you try to fit into the 'forever young' advertising?
    • Who or what do you want to be as you grow older?
    • How do family members, friends and others relate to you as you mature?

    When our Fire Element is coherent, so too is our quality of maturity. We are more likely to challenge old notions of aging, live the next chapter of our lives with fulfillment pursuing our passions and being happy and content. Reflect on how the quality of maturity shows up for you and where it may need to improve to serve you better.

    What qualities of Maturity do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?)

    Non Coherent Aspects -

    • I am immature.
    • I do anything to look younger than i am, even at the cost of my well being.
    • I am afraid of getting old.
    • I am burnt out

    Coherent Aspects -

    • I accept the aging process with joy and humour
    • I enjoy the natural maturing process.
    • I pursue my passions gracefully no matter what age.
    • Each day I feel a sense of contentment and fulfillment.

    How will you use the energy of the Fire Element Season and the quality of MATURITY to add to your positive life story where everything makes sense and you anticipate being at the beginning of something wonderful happening for you?

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!...

    I have options to help! Use my (FREE) 5 Seasons repatterning series to boost your energy at any time... To boost your fire element energy for the quality of Maturity  try the Summer Season Repatterning for the Fire element. Simply download the notes and use them to follow along with the video adding in your own answers. The hologram has anticipated you!

    With light and love 

    Carolyn Winter
    Holographic Coach

  • August 21, 2021 12:30 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with
    the best of nature and your relationships...

    The Energy Season of Fire Element

    Quality #8 - Sorting Things Out

    Where are you experiencing a split in your life or feel confused? How is your ability to sort things out?

    Our ability to 'sort things out' is a Fire Element quality that is energetically associated with the small intestine meridian and active during the summer season. When our Fire Element is coherent we find the 'sorting out quality' helps us to easily make moment to moment decisions - what junk mail to keep or throw away, where to put things when tidying up, which calls to take now or later. The task of decluttering or moving homes benefits from this quality!

    It also helps us to be discriminating as to who to spend time with and who to avoid and to listen to our heart's truth. Do you hang out with people that uplift you or put you down in some way? Are you in denial about your needs and feelings putting up with situations that are draining you?

    The small intestine meridian helps us to digest what we have taken in distributing what is coherent and nourishing for us and sending everything else ot the large intestine for elimination. We are able to listen attentively, have clarity about our priorities that support an enriched life, and benefit from the gift of wise insight. We enjoy life's challenges and have a sense of fun and joy.

    What qualities of Sorting Out do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?)

    Non Coherent Aspects -

    • I don' t know what to keep or what to let go of"
    • I am unable to finish a task
    • I am split between 2 jobs/relationships/different ways of living (pick one that may apply to you)
    Coherent Aspects -
    • I choose the right people to work with me or do a project
    • I find what is good in any relationship. / I enjoy the challenge of relationship.
    • I easily finish tasks.
    • I know my direction/ I have clarity

    How will you use the energy of the Fire Element Season and the quality of sorting out to add to your positive life story where everything makes sense and you anticipate being at the beginning of something wonderful happening for you?

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!...

    I have options to help! Use my (FREE) 5 Seasons repatterning series to boost your energy at any time... To boost your fire element energy for the quality of BALANCE  try the Summer Season Repatterning for the Fire element. Simply download the notes and use them to follow along with the video adding in your own answers. The hologram has anticipated you!

    With light and love 

    Carolyn Winter
    Holographic Coach

  • August 16, 2021 11:59 AM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with the best of nature and your relationships...

    The Energy Season of Fire Element

    Quality #7 - Positive Control

    Have you experienced a time, when life seemed to be out of control for you? It can feel very unsettling and raise our stress and anxiety levels.

    Having Positive Control is another Fire Element quality that helps us to manage the stream of life events coming towards us. Everytime we handle a situation with power, self control, good habits, grace and compassionate intent etc. we add those experiences and associated feelings to our library of life stories. The more frequent and positive our stories of how we handled things...the more our brain reaches for them to help us manage the next unexpected set of events in our life. Our quality of positive control is also strengthened.

    We barely notice these stories, but they help us negotiate the upsets of life that are sure to come along as well as support our intentions for good habits, relationships and more.

    When our Fire Element is coherent, so too is our quality of having and building positive control. We find ourselves managing life, relationships, time, habits and more with ease and good humor. Reflect on how this quality shows up for you and where it may need to improve to serve you better.

    What qualities of Positive Control do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?)

    Non Coherent Aspects - "I am chaotic."; "My life feels out of control."; "I am overly controlling of others."; "I am controlled by ______(fill in with a name relevant to you - if any)."

    Coherent Aspects - "I exert positive control over myself."; "I exert positive control over my habits."; "I exert positive control over my finances and spending."; "I create order in my life."

    How will you use the energy of the Fire Element Season and the quality of positive control to add to your positive life story where everything makes sense and you anticipate being at the beginning of something wonderful happening for you?

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!...

    I have options to help! Use my (FREE) 5 Seasons repatterning series to boost your energy at any time... To boost your fire element energy for the quality of BALANCE  try the Summer Season Repatterning for the Fire element. Simply download the notes and use them to follow along with the video adding in your own answers. The hologram has anticipated you!

    With light and love 

    Carolyn Winter
    Holographic Coach

  • August 01, 2021 11:28 AM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    The Energy Season of Fire Element

    Quality #6 - Communication & Connection

    Our ability to connect with others, hear them and to feel heard is yet another Fire Element quality activated in the season of summer. Qualities of communication and connection give us the ability to form fulfilling relationships no matter how brief. It helps us to express ourselves comfortably with close family and friends, as well as other groups such those we may meet at church, at work or simply with strangers at a store que or public event.

    When this energy is coherent... we easily make warm eye contact, express pleasantries with others, or have deeper conversations. We are adept at helping others to join in and ask for their opinion. Our heart felt communications puts others at ease and builds trust.

    This is a great quality to access when you are meeting new people such as on vacation or visits with family and friends you have not seen in a long time. This quality will make it seem like you have never lost touch. In a zoom call, especially with strangers, this quality puts everyone at ease and meetings flow with open communication.

    How do the summertime qualities of communication and connection support you? Where does your communication style let you down and create problems? Where would you like to experience more connection with others?

    What qualities of COMMUNICATION & CONNECTION  do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?)

    Non Coherent Aspects - "I feel awkward in social communications."; "I experience miscommunications in my life."; "I can't communicate from my heart or feelings."; "I can't stop talking."

    Coherent Aspects - "I listen to others and take in the riches of what they offer."; "I feel relaxed at ease in social situations and with people I don't know, getting a conversation going and enjoying listening and talking."; People are naturally attracted to my warmth and brightness and i enjoy relation with everyone."

    How will you use the energy of the Fire Element Season and the quality of communication and connection to add to your positive life story where everything makes sense and you anticipate being at the beginning of something wonderful happening for you?

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!...

    I have options to help! Use my (FREE) 5 Seasons repatterning series to boost your energy at any time... To boost your fire element energy for the quality of BALANCE  try the Summer Season Repatterning for the Fire element. Simply download the notes and use them to follow along with the video adding in your own answers. The hologram has anticipated you!

    With light and love 

    Carolyn Winter
    Holographic Coach


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Contact Carolyn Winter 
Phone: 416-763-6306


Copyright by Carolyn Winter 2000-2022.  All rights reserved.