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Reflection and the The Long Term Nature of Intention

December 13, 2022 11:18 AM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

Create a better life story when you resonate with
the best of nature and your inner connection

Reprinted from December 30th 2015 

Last December, after the festive season of 2014 I made an intention and repatterned it for the holiday season of 2015. I wanted the season to be merry and bright and not so rushed that I would be too exhausted (and then susceptible to colds) to enjoy it. I intended that things fall into place effortlessly. I had quite forgotten about this delightful repatterning until some quiet time taken during this holiday season. WOW… the repatterning really worked 12 months after the fact. Here are some of the things i have noticed I am sure can be attributed to the repatterning:

  • I did not actually get decorations up around my home and while i felt a little disappointed about that since it is one of my favorite things to do, at this time of year, the extra time allowed me to sleep in when needed, or accomplish other things.
  • our extended family gathering on the 24th means all must be done (food cooked or prepped, presents wrapped, sleigh loaded) by the early morning at the latest if i am to arrive in the zone of ‘on time’. Normally there is no time to do all of that AND leave my apartment in some resemblance of order. This year the sleigh was ready the night before and I had time to tidy up!
  • the crush between preparing and then leaving usually means I do laundry at the other end as well as wrap presents. This year I wrapped things up by 2:00pm on December 23rd presents and all. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon at a salon getting my nails done. I managed to weird out the beautician by zonking out with meditation!
  • instead of meeting an unrealistic goal of handmade gifts for all, I comfortably engaged in online shopping instead. I actually enjoyed the experience and it was a huge time saver.
  • Somethings required a trip to the mall, which I normally do not enjoy at any time of the year. However, this year it was like the waters were parting for my arrival. I found what i needed in record time, no line ups or crowds, and surprising prices.

This experience has left me with the reminder about the value of integrating a session. When we take time to reflect we anchor our new neural pathway, that new direction our brain is firing and make it our new ‘normal’. On New Year’s Eve I plan to build on this new base and make intentions for next year. I can hardly wait to see what manifests next!

I wonder if I intended hand made gifts now…..

With love and light


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