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Book a Session... 
Holographic Coaching Sessions/Consultations with Carolyn Winter

Please follow the instructions to schedule time with me online -
it's fast and easy.

Be sure you have purchased a Consultation single session or package of sessions at the LightTravels Store.   To check on the number of sessions remaining in your current purchase, check the private notes from me on your profile account page (private to you) (listed under the top right corner under login)

Allow 24 hours or more to book a personal consultation.  Use my online booking calendar to find available dates for your next session. 

1. Complete the booking form at the right:
2. Select your time zone.  You will then receive reminder emails quoting your local time
3. Review the time options available on the calendar and select the optimal time for you.  
4. complete the form.
5. I will receive your request and confirm it as soon as possible. 

"Relax! You are being repatterned.  The 'session' typically starts creating positive change once you commit to a session"  - Carolyn

Book Your Next Appointment: 

Contact Carolyn Winter 
Phone: 416-763-6306


Copyright by Carolyn Winter 2000-2024.  All rights reserved.