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Includes the Monthly Group Coaching session Personal Holographic Discoveries (Value $600), membership pricing for new events and coaching plus access to the webinar archive library.

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Holographic Coaching Sessions With Carolyn Winter - transformative sessions utilizing priniciples of resonance, biofeedback and and energy work.  Light travels deep within... 


Options to Learn Nun Karma Repatterning for Yourself.... 

Group Proxy Sessions - Event Registration 

Upcoming events

    • July 29, 2024
    • 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
    • Online via zoom video conferencing

    Join our next Personal Holographic Discoveries
    (where pattern by pattern we are improving our life story... )  

    Group Session for.... 

    Cultivating Coherent Fire Element
    for Relationship Harmony- 

    Monday July 29th 2024 at 3:30pm Eastern

    [12:30pm Pacific | 1:30pm Mountain | 2:30pm Central | 8:30pm UK | 7:00am Auckland | 12:30pm New Delhi]

    A favorite summer memory of mine is of the many family trips to the beach at Lake Erie. Our family would go for the day, meeting up with other families. It was a boisterous, happy time full of sun, sand, and good food…but on occasion bitter arguments would break out, or there would be an underlying stress that made me feel uneasy. While I never understood the arguments as kid, I look back at those times with my new knowledge of seasonal energy and can better understand the tension.

    When you meet people who are closed off, unfriendly or having a bad day… chances are their fire element is mostly non-coherent. Basically, it’s a fire that’s out of control which leads to tension, arguments, or, in my case, an unexpectedly stressful day on the beach. 

    Happy, welcoming, warm-hearted people have a strong Fire Element component that can... weather differences of opinion and create harmony.  When we have coherent fire energy, we can have difficult discussions, or share divided political opinions that strengthen our relationships. Our coherent fire element presence can lighten up the room, making harmony easier to achieve. Instead of the wildfire out of control feeling, we get the feeling of a warm and cheery gathering around a campfire.

    We are in the season of summer here in the northern hemisphere governed by the qualities of the Fire Element.  Our fire element provides us with the essential quality of building and maintaining social relationships, balanced interactions, and protection from harm. It blesses us with open-heartedness and intimacy.  It also provides qualities of joy, warmth, compassion, positive control, the ability to sort things out - which also contributes to the quality of our relationships.  In a group you often need at least one person to demonstrate the higher ground of relationships for everyone else to model.

    Our fire element quality is a very useful quality to be aware of as it can help us experience the best of other people and make our time spent with individuals or group activities are enjoyable.  Whether your summer includes vacation plans with family or friends, reunions, barbeques, sports teams, or social plans at work - resonating with relationship harmony will create a memorable summer experience. 

    Where do you need relationship harmony in your life?   Bring your issues with relationship or relationship situations especially for the summer to the next PHD session where we will explore a variety of underlying patterns including:

    • Bonding and separation stress created at birth with our primary caregiver 
    • Differences in values and perspectives that separate us or cause disharmony 
    • How our energies entrain or not with others for love and unity and higher energy states of being together

    We’ll set intentions for how we would like to experience relationships, or upcoming events and identify the fire element qualities that need strengthening in relation to our issues and intentions. 

    Ready to improve your connection and harmony with others?

    Join me for the next PHD Repatterning Monday July 29th at 3:30pm Eastern

    With light and love

    Carolyn Winter, Holographic Coach

    MEMBERS Press REGISTER [See gray column on the left] and provide your membership email address to obtain special pricing.

    Your  registration includes the opportunity to:

    • send in your information for the session
    • download the post session custom notes and contemplation cards 
    • video recording access and audio mp3 download. 

    PSS - Become a PREMIUM member and this event as well as the PHD Archive of past events are FREE!!!!    Select the new registration option that includes PREMIUM membership for $99.00

    • August 05, 2024
    • 2:00 PM
    • August 15, 2024
    • 7:30 PM
    • online via zoom

    Mercury Goes Retrograde Once Again
    August 5-28  2024

    Join us for 

    The Aligned for Mercury Retrograde Session
    With Julie Simmons & Carolyn Winter

    Monday August 5 2024 at  2:00pm Eastern Time
    [11:00am Pacific | 12:00pm MT |1:00pm Central & 7:00pm UK]


    Become Aligned with this astrological energy with the unique approach of an astrologer and energy practitioner... 

    Resonate with the best of this astrological influence when you participate in this repatterning group.  Customize your experience by sending in your issues and intentions for this Mercury retrograde, join us for the live session or watch the video afterwards, and reflect on your experience with the session notes. 

    Astrologer Julie Simmons writes about THIS Mercury Retrograde...

    Embracing Love and Courage in Mercury Retrograde August 5-28, 2024

    This Mercury retrograde starts in the early degrees of Virgo and retreats back to the later degrees of Leo.  This is a very interesting cusp particularly since around 2011 when the fixed star Regulus moved from Leo to Virgo. Leo is the king, the ruler. Virgo is the handmaid of the king. However if the king is misusing his power, if he is a bad ruler then Virgo rises up and becomes alarmingly fierce and unrelenting in her intention to set things to right. A ‘good’ ruler serves the people with love and loyalty. This is quite dramatic and easy to see in the world right now as we witness people in power misusing that power as well as climate change and all its attendant collateral damage. 

    Of course we are neither kings nor handmaids and so can’t really set the world to rights. But in our own world this is the consideration: Do we ‘rule’ or guard our little kingdoms with love in our hearts? Are we fearful? Do we lack courage? Of course we do sometimes and not others. We are human! The alignment we might seek during the Mercury retrograde period requires some effort to truly serve Love. Despite Virgo’s reputation for perfection we are not aiming for that. Knowing that the best we can do is good enough if we do it with love and for the good of all, is one of Virgo’s superpowers. 

    The conjunction of Mercury and the Sun always sheds light on the retrograde period. On August 18th Mercury and the Sun in Leo will square Uranus in Taurus. This suggests that change is happening so fast that it feels chaotic. Perhaps people that should be trustworthy seem off their rockers. Rain falls too hard and fire burns out of control. No doubt some courage and a lot of love (Leo) will help us navigate our way through it all. 

    Whatever our plans and adventures for this period, we understand that anxiety and control will not serve us. Accepting each and every circumstance with a full heart in as relaxed a state as possible (always good advice) will serve us as well as all those we encounter. The world is always what it is. Our mandate is to navigate it as best we can. This will always be true. For more ideas about these matters you can check the Insights column at my website.

    To make the most of this astrological event energetically... join our Aligned for Mercury Retrograde event August 5 2024.

    Warm regards,


    What is Mercury Retrograde? 

    On August 5th  Mercury does the thing where it looks like it's going backwards" and can create a little havoc in our lives. Oh the stories about Mercury in retrograde motion! This astrological influence affects all of us but those working in certain industries may feel it more… The work of writers, broadcasters, webmasters, publishers and lawyers alike may feel held hostage when the trickster god Mercury gets underfoot!

    So what is all the commotion about?

    The general Mercury retrograde story goes like this: When Mercury is retrograde it’s easy to miss the details;  to misunderstand what was said; to misread what was written; to get the dates wrong or to forget to show up. This is why the common advice is to refrain from signing contracts, making major commitments or undertaking major new endeavors.

    Still, life must go on, contracts must be signed, houses bought, marriages (heaven forefend!) made; babies born and so forth.  By aligning ourselves with the retrograde energy we can move through this period with a minimum of misery, a deepening of our connection to our soul and some really funny stories if we keep our sense of humor.

    You can decide to align with this energy and make it work in your favor.  Change your own holopattern  of energy for managing Mercury retrograde.

    Julie Simmons, Astrologer &  Carolyn Winter, Resonance Repatterning Practitioner combine their talents to provide a unique energy-healing-at-a-distance program.

    Carolyn Winter, uses the Resonance Repatterning (holographic repatterning)  method of energy work to create new patterns for living life with more energy, purpose and positive results. She also does energy work at a distance using holographic repatterning and online interactive formats for groups who have a shared topic.   Together with astrologer Julie Simmons, Carolyn repatterns our particular life circumstances and creates new patterns for the group to positively align with Mercury Retrograde.

    Mercury is Retrograde in 2024: 

    April 1 - April 24

    August 05 - August 28

    November 25 - December 16   

    The next live session is 
    Monday August 5th at 2:00 Eastern
    via zoom video conferencing.

    Register to align your energy with this astrological influence!

    Press REGISTER

    (at the grey area on the left). 

    with light and love 

    Carolyn Winter. Holographic Coach and 
    Julie Simmons, Astrologer

Energy Support for Business

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Manager Coaching Support 

Team Group Session 

Contact Carolyn Winter 
Phone: 416-763-6306


Copyright by Carolyn Winter 2000-2024.  All rights reserved.