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Free - Dec 21 Repatterning for the Winter Solstice

December 20, 2022 1:51 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

It's a little last minute but still hope you can join me for the Repatterning Group session -

Resonate with the Water Element Season of Winter

In this session, you have the opportunity to shift your energy for 

  • One big goal or intention for 2023
  • A holiday intention 
  • And name an issue or block that stops you from having what you want and to release  it.

Join me live TOMORROW!!!! at 5:00pm Eastern or view the video  or audio recording with session notes you may personalize - later. 

REGISTER for the event here. Light Travels - Resonate with the Water Element Season of Winter

with love and light 


Carolyn Winter, Holographic Coach 

using the Life Repatterning system to clear our energy

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Support your Water Element with the Repatterning for the Winter Solstice (free video + notes) 

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Find out how my Holographic Coaching sessions may help you.  Contact me for a free zoom consultation where I will answer all you questions. 

Contact Carolyn Winter 
Phone: 416-763-6306


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