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Resonate with the Water Element Season of Winter

  • December 21, 2022
  • 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
  • video conferencing via zoom


  • Register free and bring a guest! You will receive email reminders for the event, zoom link, and follow up session notes + video
  • Visit this page for all participation instructions, zoom link etc and be included in the energy field of this session.
  • Register to receive emailed reminder of the event, zoom link, publication of session notes and video.

Registration is closed

December 21, 2022 at 5:00pm -6:30m Eastern

[2:00pm Pacific | 3:00ppm Mountain | 4:00pm Central | 10:00pm London UK]

Boost your life intention and resonate with the water element qualities of perseverance, high-powered energy, empowerment, flowing, calmness,  boundaries, courage  and other water element energy qualities...

If you are new to my holographic coaching work, this free group session provides an opportunity to  meet me live online and experience the process and learn more about it.   In the Seasons Repatterning Group sessions participants become awake and aware to the qualities of each season and how they make a difference to our life energy.   

In this special edition seasonal repatterning held on the  Winter Solstice  we'll  check on the qualities we need to resonate with to support our Life Vision Intentions, what we need to allow our energy to flow with vitality and what blocks us from doing that.  A self-quiz helps participants become acquainted with the energy in their field that may be ready to transform in this session.  

Register (free) to receive a participation link including the quiz,  a reminder  email with video conferencing access details and follow up session notes  - your own field guide to your personal holographic universe!  

Shifts in awareness and manifestation are always more powerful when done in a group.  Join me in this healing hologram, where we will transition into the energy of the winter season and all of its benefits. 

Venue: Sessions are conducted via video conferencing with your camera grayed out, ask questions or provide answers for the repatterning in real time.  The session notes and recordings are available for the next 12 months. 

Join us for the session! 

with light and love 

Carolyn Winter

Holographic Coach

PS - Group sessions are always fun to do with a friend so you can support each others progress.  Check out my bring a friend option when you register. 

MEMBERS Press REGISTER [See gray column on the left] and provide your membership email address to obtain special pricing.

Your  registration includes the opportunity to:

  • send in your information for the session
  • download the post session custom notes and contemplation cards 
  • video recording access and audio mp3 download.

Contact Carolyn Winter 
Phone: 416-763-6306


Copyright by Carolyn Winter 2000-2024.  All rights reserved.