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Upcoming PHD Topics

November 11, 2021 12:18 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

To all LightTravellers - next opportunities and topics for navigating Your personal holographic universe with my PHD (Personal Holographic Discoveries) group sessions: 

November 19thPHD: Healthy Family Patterns of Wholeness

December 14th - Appreciation Repatterning (Save the date) 

January 3rd 2022 - Life Vision Intention & Purpose Repatterning (Save the date) 

Registration Options: 

  • Join as a premium member for free and bring a friend for $25.00
  • Join as a regular member for $49 and bring a friend for $25.00
  • NEW! Event Registration + Premium Membership – $99.00 - Obtain your annual Premium Membership subscription and this event and the next 11 PHD events are complimentary.

Topic by topic we are clearing patterns and resonating with new ways of being that help us create a positive life story where we are always at the beginning of something wonderful happening for us!  

with light and love 

Carolyn Winter

Holographic Coach

Personal Holographic Discoveries

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Support your Water Element with the Repatterning for the Winter Solstice (free video + notes) 

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Free Consultation... 

Find out how my Holographic Coaching sessions may help you.  Contact me for a free zoom consultation where I will answer all you questions. 

Contact Carolyn Winter 
Phone: 416-763-6306


Copyright by Carolyn Winter 2000-2024.  All rights reserved.