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PHD: Healthy Family Patterns of Wholeness

  • November 19, 2021
  • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Online via zoom video conferencing


  • The PHD program is complimentary for the Premium Membership; Register for each topic to be included in the session and receive access details.

    Not a Member? Please visit and join. Then return to the event calendar on the home page.

    SPECIAL - INVITE A GUEST option to register a friend for $25.00
  • Members please login to register.

    Not a Member? Please visit and join. Then return to the event calendar on the home page.

    SPECIAL - INVITE A GUEST option to register a friend for $25.00
  • Receive link to send in your information for repatterning, participate in the live event, and receive the PDF download for notes and contemplation cards after the event along with link for audio/video online and audio download.
  • Obtain your annual Premium Membership subscription and this event as well as the next 11 PHD events are complimentary.
  • Clear any number of patterns regarding your inner light or other core life issues with a package of 12 personal Holographic Coaching sessions with Carolyn Winter. Sessions may be paced as needed to support your goals. This is an ideal option for anyone to make a permanent shift in some aspect of life.

    Your event registration AND
    12 month Premium membership ARE included.
  • Clear any number of patterns regarding your inner light or other core life issues with a package of 12 personal Holographic Coaching sessions with Carolyn Winter. Sessions may be paced as needed to support your goals. This is an ideal option for anyone to make a permanent shift in some aspect of life.

    Your event registration AND
    12 month Premium membership ARE included.

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Join our next Personal Holographic Discoveries 
Group Session for.... 
Healthy Family Patterns of Wholeness

Friday November 19th 2021 at 1:00PM Eastern 
[10:00am Pacific | 11:00am Mountain | 12:00p Central | 6:00pm London UK]

I love the upcoming holiday season and how it gives us the opportunity to renew our relationships and family ties. When we have coherent family energy it puts in place a vibration of wholeness for all of its members. There is more energy for everyone. It is a rather invisible energy pattern that most of us don't think about or notice, but non-the-less impacts our well being, emotions, actions and life story. We would like to have this energy to be as coherent as possible so that the whole family does well.

The Family Constellation work theory tells us that family energy cascades through many past generations to the present. It is a conscious energy that seeks higher ground by selecting present day family members to address or resolve any upsets that occurred for this group dynamic in a past generation. For example, a situation where someone who was excluded for some reason, or illness impoverished the family, or someone married unhappily etc. If you ever wondered about an recurring pattern in your life that has been difficult to heal - chances are it's what I call an unresolved ancestral pattern.

To help us get in touch with our family energy and create positive holiday vibes, our next PHD session topic will be the Systemic Loyalties repatterning and other patterns that create family wholeness and 'glad tidings' for the holiday season.  It is a topic that is sure to help all participants but may also be one you would like to more work on  with individual sessions.  If so - I  have created registration options to support you.  

In this repatterning we will...
  • Reflect on the non coherent pattern in our life that we are supporting to remain loyal to a particular family member
  • Identify and clear the resulting non coherent manifestation of this loyalty
  • Set intentions for:
    • coherent ways to be loyal,
    • improved family relationships
    • a holiday wish for our family system
This repatterning will help us to :
  • be aware of our family energy
  • how we can contribute to a more positive and uplifting family energy
  • support our own well being and happiness as we relate to our family.

Ready to enjoy an improved family pattern within yourself?...


Join me for the next PHD Repatterning Friday  November 19th  2021   at 1:00pm Eastern - Healthy Family Patterns of Wholeness

With light and love

Carolyn Winter, Holographic Coach

MEMBERS Press REGISTER [See gray column on the left] and provide your membership email address to obtain special pricing.

Your  registration includes the opportunity to:

  • send in your information for the session
  • download the post session custom notes and contemplation cards 
  • video recording access and audio mp3 download. 

PSS - Become a PREMIUM member and this event as well as the PHD Archive of past events are FREE!!!!    Select the new registration option that includes PREMIUM membership for $99.00

Contact Carolyn Winter 
Phone: 416-763-6306


Copyright by Carolyn Winter 2000-2024.  All rights reserved.