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Blog - Holographic Reflections

Blog posts with my reflections,  coaching notes, and opinions.    

Holographic Reflections & Coaching Notes 

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  • January 01, 2025 3:39 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Happy New Year! I hope you and your family and friends enjoyed a wonderful holiday season.

    I love the turning of the calendar and this very first day of the new year especially brings me optimism. Energetically we are in the season of winter (in the northern hemisphere) owned by the element of WATER. The water element asks us to reflect, remain calm, be still... think about things. Our reflections can take us to the depths of our awareness, face new insights about our life with courage, cleanse us of all guilt, and inspire us with clever new actions to take. Think of snowy blizzard-like days, the calm of a lake frozen over, or Niagara Falls covered in ice, and feel the awesome power of Water Elements stillness within.

    "It's a great time to reflect!"


    From my Life Repatterning - "Clearing the Seven Levels of Growth Towards Wholeness" there are questions that focus on each of the levels.  While we experience all levels simoutaneously - one is our center of gravity or primary level of awareness.  Taking time to reflect on these types of questions helps us to integrate the new things we have learned about life and living and creates a new way of being in the world. Indications that the next stage of awareness has arrived for you include feeling lighter, happier, more free, generous, and abundant.  

    "Our awareness expands."


    There are no right or wrong answers here. Focus on the one or two questions you are most drawn to think about or the whole list as you wish! Spend time daydreaming about your answers and then make some key points for yourself.

    Magenta Level - Magical Thinking Stage
    If you could do anything and get away with it, what would you do?

    Red Level - Empowerment Stage
    We all have unique gifts and talents that we could consider our superpowers. What is yours and how will you use it to make a difference in 2025?

    Amber Level Belonging Stage
    What group affiliations do you need to let go of because they no longer serve your purpose?

    What new groups will you join this year that would help you learn new things or support your goals? Perhaps you need new friends?

    Orange Level Achievement Stage
    What achievements have gone unacknowledged that you are most proud of?

    Green Level Idealism Stage
    What current event in 2024 most broke your heart?

    Turquoise Level Stage of Wholeness
    If evolution picked your best quality or trait to improve humanity and embedded this trait in the next generation what would that be?

    When you resonate with your positive statements you tend to then experience them in your life. Watch what you wish for!

    Let me know if you have any questions at

    Wishing you all the very best health, wealth, happiness, and joy with delightful unexpected surprises throughout the year

    With Love and Light 


    Adapted from my post at Repatterning Journal

  • November 13, 2024 3:16 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)


    Life Repatterning Understandings ...that change everything! 

    From soup to nuts - politicians, brands, colors, families, our physical body, clothing, communities, processions', thoughts, feelings, values, - anything you can name or imagine has its own frequency expressed in cycles per second (how fast it vibrates).

    Frequencies are attracted to each other as in 'like' attracts 'like'. It's like tuning into an old fashion radio station. Either you hear the station clearly or get static.

    Similarly with any energy…. You either match a frequency and experience it as “ON” or don’t match it as in … “OFF”.

    What you resonate with of course is what you then experience - good or bad.

    We tend to not think about what is buzzing around in our orbit and often suffer the consequences of bad energy. The key here is to know that for everything you are experiencing... the only reason it shows up for you is that you have that exact vibration in your field of energy. So you have A MATCH!

    DIY - Try it out for yourself with the exercise #3 on the Free- Resources page. (Login or Join as a Regular or Premium Members)

    With light and love


  • November 13, 2024 3:08 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Life Repatterning Understandings ...that change everything! 

    Time is a fickle thing. In new physics, past, present and future coexist simultaneously. Einstein is quoted as saying “The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.” “Time and space are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we live.” “The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.

    While our resonant field is good at remembering our past, if we listen… our future self is energetically also whispering to us!

    In medical journalist Lynn McTaggart's book The Intention Experiment, she describes the science research project that had people praying for patients of a hospice care type hospital of 600 patients. The control group received no prayers. The final result of the project was that the control group had the expected number of doctor/hospital visits and life expectation. The prayed for group had remarkably fewer hospital visits and lived a little longer than expected. BUT the real kicker was this...

    All the patients randomly assigned to the experiment were merely their records from a number of years previous to the experiment. In other words, they had all died well before the experiment was conducted. For scientists this proved the non linear nature of time.

    If you have ever joined one of my group sessions you know I often invite your active participation even when the event itself is over because "The Hologram is still anticipating you!"

    DIY - Try it out for yourself with the exercise # 2 on the Free- Resources page.  (Login or Join as a free or premium member to access)

    With light and love


  • November 13, 2024 2:57 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Life is holographic - meaning like a hologram the life we experience is just an illusion, our outward reality is much the same. A lot depends on our angle of light, or enlightenment or simply perception. Like a holographic sticker, you can find more than one image by tilting the image for a different degree of light.

    For example... what is your experience of ‘apples’ – are they delicious? Sweet? Tart? OR Wormy?

    Perhaps for you apples conjure up memories of school snacks, rewards or playground squabbles? Or do you just see an apple?

    The image you ‘see’ depends on the quality of your inner ‘light’ and the perception you are shining.

    In my case, I use to always spy those delicious purple plums at the farmer's market at the end of summer and then hesitate to buy them because I do associate them with being wormy. We moved to the city when I was 12 and our new home had a wonderful garden of 6 different fruit trees. The purple plums, after a year or two developed a worm situation invading every 3-4 plums. My father was frustrated having tried many spraying options without success. Nevertheless he did not want the harvest wasted. He’d say "just take out the worms, they are fine to eat." Ugh! It wasn’t until many repatterning in my 40’s that I tilted my angle of light and learned to trust that plums could be worm free.

    How we experience life depends on what is projecting our light source…

    In the Life Repatterning sessions we drill down to those holographic images that need to clear or be replaced with better images. When you master the understanding of how life is holographic - you can change anything!

    DIY - Try it out for yourself with the exercise #1 on the Free- Resources page.  (Login or Join a Regular or Premium Member)

    With light and love


  • November 13, 2024 2:00 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Life Repatterning Understandings ...that change everything! 

    Why does Life Repatterning work? It can sometimes be a rather mystical experience. You have a session, patterns that seem totally unrelated to your presenting problem are identified and cleared, the session ends and you think "What did that do?"

    Then for no reason that you can logically connect back to a session - everything changes.

    Your problem essentially goes away, but not in a way you would expect, or an opportunity shows up from out of the blue, or unexplainably you feel calm, content and happy. Often the relationships involved will improve - the other party apologizes or offers a solution. If you have had a session with me you know what I am talking about. If not...I will try to explain.

    In my next series of newsletters we'll review some of the essential understandings from 'new physics' that are integrated in my Life Repatterning system. Along the way I will provide tips for how you can incorporate these into easy DIY (do it yourself) repatternings. Click the links below to reach the blog post and action you can take. 

    Understanding #1 - Life is Holographic 

    Understanding #2 - Time is Non Linear

     Understanding #3 - Everything has its own unique vibration  

     Understanding #4 -  

  • January 20, 2023 5:03 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with the best of nature and your inner connection

    The water element quality of 'Clear Thought' was one quality I had previously taken for granted and paid this aspect little attention. However it's  importance was highlighted for me as I recovered from my recent knee surgery. I had planned to fill my recovery days with reading and writing more aspects to my Integral Life Repatterning. I was really looking forward to that. So it was disheartening to greet each day with the feeling of brain fog. I was unable to focus, or get to the bottom of an issue and tired easily. Not coincidently, the pinnacle of my healing issues came as the winter solstice arrived (the season of water element and this quality).

    After a few self-sessions and recognizing that this non-coherence is also related to the season I found a strategy to help reclaim my brain. I switched from goals for reading and writing to  sewing Christmas presents and finishing craft projects. Most of you know this is a source of joy for me anyway, but at this time it also sparked a new sense of motivation. The various projects and activity forced me to take things slowly and step by step, read the instructions and execute them. Completion of a project provided that endorphin rush that screams "YES! Lets do this again tomorrow!" I completed a number a projects with this strategy and now find myself completely out of that brain fog state.   Priorities have come into clear focus for me and I find myself thinking about things in deep reflective way - again the nature of this water element quality of CLEAR THOUGHT.

    What qualities of Clear Thought do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?).

    What is your felt sense of the items below. (or muscle check if you are a recent student of my course)

    Non Coherent Qualities involved:

    • I am easily confused.
    • I can't read or follow instructions.
    • I am unable to get clear about the real issue/need.

    Coherent Qualities involved:

    • I think with clarity, depth and refection.
    • I easily read and follow instructions.
    • I ask for clarity when i am confused.

    With love and light

    Carolyn Winter

    Holographic Coach

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!...

  • January 13, 2023 3:44 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with the best of nature and your inner connection

    In an age of credit card madness we can easily find ourselves over-extended with few reserves. Energetically we can do much the same with our health and vitality if we constantly over work and not take time to rest and recharge appropriately. Has that happened to you?

    I know post surgery, I recently encountered the dilemna of wanting to do so many things. My head was filled with ideas and plans - holiday celebrations, visits with friends, craft projects, baking, my blog, an inspirational newsletter or two... yet low energy reserves held me back. I had to reluctantly conclude that I could not do it all and prioritize what was possible. Energectically that was me paying attention to my energy and managing my water element. While my recovery took longer than expected I now see the value of taking the time to replenish those energy reserves. I feel much better and excited about the year to come and look forward to getting back to my work with all of you!

    Wether it is money or our health and vitality, low reserves weakens our Water Element energy and worsens our health.

    When we consciously maintain our reserves, our water element supports us with a confidence, security and the vitality to work on our dreams, goals and plans.

    What qualities of Reserves do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?).

    What is your felt sense of the items below. (or muscle check if you are a recent student of my course)

    Non Coherent Qualities involved:

    • I am unable to maintain a consistent level of money or energy
    • I use up my reserves and feel exhausted or get sick
    • I don't stop and take the time to recharge.
    • My credit cards are constantly maxed out.

    Coherent Qualities involved:

    • I replenish myself
    • I maintain good reserves of _________(energy, strength, health, power money )
    • I always have a reserve to draw on as needed
    • I naturally take the time I need to recharge on a daily basis.
    • I pay my credit cards and other bills on time each month.

    With love and light

    Carolyn Winter

    Holographic Coach

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!...

  • January 06, 2023 5:53 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with the best of nature and your inner connection

    IThe Season of Water Element supports the quality of having courage a quality that often takes us out of ourselves, transcends our fear and puts us into taking right action no matter how scary. Its not uncalculated. We don't act wrecklessly but we also don't hang back or procrastinate for saying or doing what is called for in any situation.

    I remember an entire year of having to summon up this quality of courage in one of my first career jobs running a small daycare center. There were many care issues to discuss with parents - who were much older and experienced at child care than me!

    The center participants were of every nationality and come the Christmas holiday season, the parent committee decided to host a pot luck with each family bringing a favorite dish of the their culture. Mexican, Spanish, Jamaican, Italian dishes soon filled the potluck board.

    However, one family of 3 children held back. Their parents were Asian and spoke little English. Their authoritarion father in a curt and strict voice informed me they would not be attending. The children were very disappointed and I hardly knew what to say to them. Their Dad was difficult to approach. However, a few days before the event I summoned all the courage I had and quietly asked him if we could talk. I asked him to reconsider and explained how much it would mean to the children. My heart was in my stomach for sure... anticipating an angry response. To my astonishment he replied with a softened answer. "I will discuss it with my wife and let you know"

    The next day he returned with an explanation and an answer. Their food he explained is spicy and strange to most people in north america. They won't like it and our children will be embarressed. BUT if you would come to our home for dinner before the event we will prepare several dishes - perhaps you could help us choose. I happily obliged and so glad I did. Their dish of mildly curried vegetables was very well accepted, the children were beaming with pride and after that...these parents became friendly and engaging with the other parents.

    I often reflect on that moment of courage where I asked a  second time and how the outcome may have changed things in a positive way for the entire family.

    What qualities of Reflection do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?).

    What is your felt sense of the items below. (or muscle check if you are a recent student of my course)

    Non Coherent Qualities involved:

    • My fear stops me from going forward.
    • I am afraid.

    Coherent Qualities involved:

    • I have the courage to face_____
      (name a person or situation relevant to you) 
    • I am fearless.
    • I face my fears and move into action.

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!...

    With love and light

    Carolyn Winter

    Holographic Coach

  • December 13, 2022 11:41 AM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with the best of nature and your inner connection

    The art of inner reflection (in my opinion) is one of the most powerful ways to accelerate our adult growth of awareness and spiritual development - if we allow time for it or make it a habit. A down side of the abundant information age is that we tend to live life with our finger on the fast forward button, cramming in as much as we can each minute of the day. We go from one thing to the next in our day without taking a pause and reflecting on what happened.

    Inner reflection helps us to tap into the Brow Chakra quality of witnessing our life, making compassionate judgements of our actions, evalutate what went well and to notice the small miracles and synchronicities that happen for us each day. It is the noticing and appreciating or letting go that helps us clear our energy field of our regret and confirm our positive changes. Our wise self book marks these observations and calls on it for wisdom to whisper to you the next time you need it. Incrementally over time our reflections help us to grow our conscious awareness and live our potential. We tend to then be happier people with more option to access in how we move forward in our lives.

    What qualities of Reflection do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?).

    What is your felt sense of the items below. (or muscle check if you are a recent student of my course)

    Non Coherent Qualities involved:

    • I don't feel heard.
    • I don't listen to others.
    • I am unable to think deeply about what is really being said/done.
    • I am unable to respond to life and circumstances.
    • My options feel limited.

    Coherent Qualities involved:

    • I get it!
    • I respond appropriately to circumstances.
    • I listen deeply and reflect on what I have heard.
    • I take a pause to reflect on my day so far and acknowlege myself.
    • I feel heard.
    • I reflect on the deeper meanings I perceive from my experiences.

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!...

    With love and light 

    Carolyn Winter

    Holographic Coach 

  • December 13, 2022 11:18 AM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with
    the best of nature and your inner connection

    Reprinted from December 30th 2015 

    Last December, after the festive season of 2014 I made an intention and repatterned it for the holiday season of 2015. I wanted the season to be merry and bright and not so rushed that I would be too exhausted (and then susceptible to colds) to enjoy it. I intended that things fall into place effortlessly. I had quite forgotten about this delightful repatterning until some quiet time taken during this holiday season. WOW… the repatterning really worked 12 months after the fact. Here are some of the things i have noticed I am sure can be attributed to the repatterning:

    • I did not actually get decorations up around my home and while i felt a little disappointed about that since it is one of my favorite things to do, at this time of year, the extra time allowed me to sleep in when needed, or accomplish other things.
    • our extended family gathering on the 24th means all must be done (food cooked or prepped, presents wrapped, sleigh loaded) by the early morning at the latest if i am to arrive in the zone of ‘on time’. Normally there is no time to do all of that AND leave my apartment in some resemblance of order. This year the sleigh was ready the night before and I had time to tidy up!
    • the crush between preparing and then leaving usually means I do laundry at the other end as well as wrap presents. This year I wrapped things up by 2:00pm on December 23rd presents and all. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon at a salon getting my nails done. I managed to weird out the beautician by zonking out with meditation!
    • instead of meeting an unrealistic goal of handmade gifts for all, I comfortably engaged in online shopping instead. I actually enjoyed the experience and it was a huge time saver.
    • Somethings required a trip to the mall, which I normally do not enjoy at any time of the year. However, this year it was like the waters were parting for my arrival. I found what i needed in record time, no line ups or crowds, and surprising prices.

    This experience has left me with the reminder about the value of integrating a session. When we take time to reflect we anchor our new neural pathway, that new direction our brain is firing and make it our new ‘normal’. On New Year’s Eve I plan to build on this new base and make intentions for next year. I can hardly wait to see what manifests next!

    I wonder if I intended hand made gifts now…..

    With love and light


    Holographic Coach

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