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Unlock Your Potential: New Year Reflection Questions

January 01, 2025 3:39 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

Happy New Year! I hope you and your family and friends enjoyed a wonderful holiday season.

I love the turning of the calendar and this very first day of the new year especially brings me optimism. Energetically we are in the season of winter (in the northern hemisphere) owned by the element of WATER. The water element asks us to reflect, remain calm, be still... think about things. Our reflections can take us to the depths of our awareness, face new insights about our life with courage, cleanse us of all guilt, and inspire us with clever new actions to take. Think of snowy blizzard-like days, the calm of a lake frozen over, or Niagara Falls covered in ice, and feel the awesome power of Water Elements stillness within.

"It's a great time to reflect!"


From my Life Repatterning - "Clearing the Seven Levels of Growth Towards Wholeness" there are questions that focus on each of the levels.  While we experience all levels simoutaneously - one is our center of gravity or primary level of awareness.  Taking time to reflect on these types of questions helps us to integrate the new things we have learned about life and living and creates a new way of being in the world. Indications that the next stage of awareness has arrived for you include feeling lighter, happier, more free, generous, and abundant.  

"Our awareness expands."


There are no right or wrong answers here. Focus on the one or two questions you are most drawn to think about or the whole list as you wish! Spend time daydreaming about your answers and then make some key points for yourself.

Magenta Level - Magical Thinking Stage
If you could do anything and get away with it, what would you do?

Red Level - Empowerment Stage
We all have unique gifts and talents that we could consider our superpowers. What is yours and how will you use it to make a difference in 2025?

Amber Level Belonging Stage
What group affiliations do you need to let go of because they no longer serve your purpose?

What new groups will you join this year that would help you learn new things or support your goals? Perhaps you need new friends?

Orange Level Achievement Stage
What achievements have gone unacknowledged that you are most proud of?

Green Level Idealism Stage
What current event in 2024 most broke your heart?

Turquoise Level Stage of Wholeness
If evolution picked your best quality or trait to improve humanity and embedded this trait in the next generation what would that be?

When you resonate with your positive statements you tend to then experience them in your life. Watch what you wish for!

Let me know if you have any questions at

Wishing you all the very best health, wealth, happiness, and joy with delightful unexpected surprises throughout the year

With Love and Light 


Adapted from my post at Repatterning Journal

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Support your Water Element with the Repatterning for the Winter Solstice (free video + notes) 

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Phone: 416-763-6306


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