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Align With Nature...Earth Element Quality #1 - Reaping the Harvest

September 05, 2021 5:40 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

Create a better life story when you resonate with
the best of nature and how you handle transitions...  

The Energy Season of EARTH Element

Quality #1 - Reaping the Harvest

The 5th Season - Are you aligning with the seasonal energy patterns and all of their respective positive qualities? While the calendar points out 4 distinct seasons that energetically each line up with a season (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer), there is hidden 5th energy season to be aware of. The 'season' of EARTH ELEMENT. This seasonal energy happens 4 times per year for a few weeks in between each season and also has with it a number of related qualities that you can activate to support yourself. You could think of it as the seasonal energy of TRANSITIONS.

Have you noticed how your day is affected by this energy?

Energetically, we are now in the 'in-between' season of Earth Element that happens between summer and fall in the northern hemisphere. Here in Toronto we could really feel the arrival of this energy with a dramatic drop in temperature going from sweltering daytime highs of 105 °F to the low 70's °F. The chill in the air brings a reminder that carefree days of summer fun are over and it's time to get ready for...going back to work or school or get ready for the winter. The markets are flourishing with the season's harvest of plums, pears, the last of the peaches and corn and more. It used to be a time of year when many households would can or 'put up' their garden harvests - an activity the synchs up perfectly with the Earth Element quality of "Reaping the Harvest". Many small towns and cities celebrate with an end of season 'fair' for a last hurrah of summer fun while celebrating the local harvests.

Reaping Your Harvest

Our current transitional energy asks us to review the seeds (or goals/intentions) we planted last spring. Now it's time to take stock of all that we have planted and reap our harvest whether it is your garden produce or metaphorically your life plans, your work, your projects, etc. For example...

At work - It's a great time to evaluate your targets and plans at work, celebrate successes, and appreciate accomplishments. Any regrets?

Personal Plans - How did your plans for personal growth and change work out? Did therapy, alternative healing or growth webinars help you? (or Holographic Coaching with me?) Name one new insight about yourself that you attained in the last few months.

Learning New Things - life today especially online is all about fearlessly learning new things or ways of doing things. What did you learn in the last few months and how is it helping you? What do you have left to learn? Have you mastered an aspect of social media, google docs or something on your computer? Did you finish the webinars you bought this year and use them to their fullest?

Relationships - What effort did you put in to get around all the covid restrictions and the post covid challenges to reconnect with others as restrictions were lifted? How have your relationships with others benefitted? .

Reap the harvest of your life experiences and notice your energy in the next 2-3 weeks. How is it changing for you?

What qualities of Reaping the Harvest do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?)

Non Coherent Aspects -

  • I fail to harvest riches from my experiences
  • I am unable to see the positive in difficult circumstances or situations
  • I have no reserves to draw on in times of need.

Coherent Aspects -

  • Ieap the full harvest of my rich life experiences
  • I reap what is positive even from difficult situations
  • I celebrate the harvest accomplishments, natural endings, and new perspectives I have gained

How will you use the energy of the Fire Element Season and the quality of Reaping the Harvest to add to your positive life story where everything makes sense and you anticipate being at the beginning of something wonderful happening for you?

I have options to help you Improve your life story now!...

I have options to help! Use my (FREE) 5 Seasons repatterning series to boost your energy at any time... To boost your fire element energy for the quality of Reaping the Harvest  try the Transitions Repatterning for the Earth  element. Simply download the notes and use them to follow along with the video adding in your own answers. The hologram has anticipated you!

With light and love 

Carolyn Winter
Holographic Coach

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Phone: 416-763-6306


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