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If you are committed to personal growth and transformation and an inclusive path of consciousness you may find yourself walking in the shoes of a planetary movement feeling the feelings of mother earth and our collective awareness.

Participate in a program of clearing our mutual resonances for everyday problems and life situations – whether you believe or not.  These sessions are free to the public. 

Clear your own non coherent patterns and experience the world as a better place. Together our legacy will make a difference for world peace. Arrive at an inner knowing that who you are inside makes a difference to the world out there.     Scroll down for more details or REGISTER here for the next event

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World Peace Hologram - it begins with you

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Registered participants receive event reminders and follow up emails with  program instructions, session questionnaires, recordings, and post session notes. 

Obtain a LightTravels Membership  (Free or premium) for automatic access to the program participation pages. 

Contact Carolyn Winter 
Phone: 416-763-6306


Copyright by Carolyn Winter 2000-2024.  All rights reserved.