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What is the higher purpose of the Pandemic (in your opinion) for the world at large or mother earth?

March 03, 2021 4:07 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

What is the higher purpose of the Pandemic (in your opinion) for the world at large or mother earth? How will humanity's responses to the pandemic serve the world in a positive way?  

To share your insights in the comments section, press the 3 dots in the  dark gray box beside the title and select "Add Comment".  

With love and light 


PS - I will publish a roundup of comments in an upcoming newsletter. 


  • March 11, 2021 12:19 PM | Dee Jenkins
    , I believe the Pandemic has given the world the opportunity to truly see, recognize, respect and appreciate each individual's life journey, knowing they are connected no matter what race, religion or creed. More people who have been and do work in the service fields as well as medical fields are being recognized for their part in assisting those whose health and deaths have been affected by this pandemic. World wide recognition and respect and ways to show appreciation has been publicized. Each can see others' as humans striving for a life where they can exist with love and peace and harmony. It has given families time to be together more without all the distractions of working outside of the home, schools, sporting events, etc. It has given opportunities to search individual priorities and reassess what their life means to them. It gives opportunities for healthy life choices daily, with acknowledgment that we are one big family on Mother Earth. Our choices affect others and we can be mindful of choosing wisely and with loving thoughts and actions.

    Dee Jenkins
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  • March 20, 2021 9:14 AM | Tricia Carver
    We have been living in a pressure cooker in so many aspects of life. One of the quotes I try to regularly share with my young women on my volleyball team is simple yet brings hope, "No pressure, no diamonds." Said another way, "A diamond is merely a lump of coal that has perfected under pressure." (Kissinger)
    I can speak to my small corner of the world in the community in which I have the greatest influence. My campus community, due to some intense pressure building up around a fairly toxic misogynistic culture that also has little appreciation for racial/ethnic diversity, is now being forced into a a culture shift. I would like to think there are several of us that can both maintain the pressure in key places and help create systems that will bring light and life and a better future to our campus community.
    I believe that what is happening on my campus, in my sphere, is happening all across the globe. Though it is painful at times and requires great courage, I also have a sense that grace abounds.
    That brings me to my thoughts on a second tremendous opportunity that has come about as a result of this pandemic-- prolific global connections. The use of technology and our awareness of our global connections present perhaps some of the greatest opportunities in human history. I hope and pray those opportunities are used for the highest good of all.
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