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Have Covid Fatigue? Pssst... Your future is whispering to you.

November 26, 2020 3:35 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

Are you experiencing covid fatigue? Many are and I must admit there have been a few days where my own energy sent me straight back to repatternings. I contemplated the session notes with interest and in an delightful afternoon turned things around for myself. Here's how in case you would like to try it for yourself.

Imagine we are down the road a bit, say 2-3 years from now. Life is back to normal or a 'new normal'. Ask yourself a couple of questions from that point in time:

What did I do with my time during the lock-downs? Was it productive or did I waste it? Did i succumb to being a victim or look for new opportunities?

What goals did i set and meet or exceed past my wildest dreams?

What do I regret about the use of my time back then?

Your future may well be whispering to you today about the inherent opportunities that accompany any problem including the covid lock down. Perhaps its time for a career change? Can you take online courses, contact people, or do a job search. If your work has been face to face maybe your future is giving you hints about taking at least part of your work online? With so many free or low cost platforms its possible for just about anyone to start selling anything online. In what ways could you re-invent your work?

Your future may be whispering other ideas for coping with covid in terms of using your time...

What new thing can you start for yourself - writing a book? screen play? cookbook? family history? take up a hobby?

What new habits can you start?  Better home keeping? less screen time?new exercise regime?  listening more talking less? 

How can you keep up with family or friends or work colleagues?   

What difference can you make to your community with the resources you have at hand?

For myself I decided that i would use this time to get to the bottom of my sewing inventory ( a combination of clothes, quilting and crafts) with the intention of becoming a couturier sewer. Those that know me well, know how challenging (or hilarious) that goal is. LOL.... but I have to say that so far, I have at least created one perfectly fitted t-shirt pattern that I can now sew up in a few hours. I was so happy that day I could not sleep!

I also remind myself of how lucky I am to be safe especially when i read about those are are suffering in the hospital or have died or those dedicated individuals working on the front line. Staying home, staying safe and making sacrifices now are important. This meme /winning haiku poem from Facebook says it all for me:

Try it for yourself - cope with covid fatigue by listening to your future or have an entire conversation with it. Start with some meditation and then ask your future for its advice.  Embrace all the big ideas you may hear!  You never know what big thing this could lead to for your you. 

With love and light 


PS - if you are a member here at login and update your profile with your life vision intention.  Your future may have lots to say about it! 

Also if you missed the recent PHD: Career Leaps to Greatness repatterning it is available at the STORE as a webinar and may also help you with your present moment goals. 

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