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The Integral Life Repatterning Basics - Course

  • August 31, 2022
  • 5:00 PM
  • November 08, 2022
  • 7:30 PM
  • online via zoom video conferencing
  • 0


  • Premium Members discount of $100.00. Register a guest for the premium membership rate $325.00
  • Login and join as a regular member for 399.00. Register a guest for the Regular Membership rate of $399.00
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  • Obtain your premium membership PLUS the Premium membership reduced rate for the course.

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The Integral Life Repatterning Basics Course

Energy Tools and Maps for
 Creating Positive  Personal Change for Yourself


..with Carolyn Winter

View the Intro Session

Tune into the recent introductory event 

 10 Weekly Classes beginning:

Next Series Begins Late January 2023 

for notification and early registration options

New Day & Time  
To Be Announced 

Wednesdays at 5:00-7:30pm Eastern 
[2:00pm Pacific | 3:00pm Mountain |4:00pm Central & 10:00pm London ]
Note: Eastern time is maintained with all seasonal time changes

 Learn to Repattern Yourself... and Navigate YOUR personal holographic universe

Everyone has it. A deeper wisdom that can guide them around life’s problems, both the big ones and the little ones but most of us don’t use this amazing resource.  In fact many feel disconnected from their wise or higher self or soul.   

What if we could access that inner wisdom whenever life brings us problems that tend to spiral us down? What if we could stay in touch with our true self and our inner wisdom to manage the ups and downs we encounter throughout the day? If we stayed connected to our wise self …we would be much happier, content and able to prevent daily irritations from spiraling our circumstances down from bad to worse.

That’s why I repattern myself everyday – to stay connected to my wise self just as I do for my clients.   I use repatterning to change the frequencies that hold problem patterns in place and strengthen the positive patterns I would like more of.  I would love to show you how to do this process for yourself!

Let me teach you how to repattern yourself back to a place of wholeness, inner peace and personal joy.

I am really excited to announce the launch of my new course at

The Integral Life Repatterning Process: Energy Tools and Maps for Creating Positive Personal Change for Yourself.

Whether you are on a spiritual or personal path of self discovery and healing, my Integral Life Repatterning method helps you manage the 'river of life's challenges', set new intentions and manifest them and continually create a new better version of yourself. People on this journey often ask...

How Many Sessions Do I Need?

Where Am I on the Map of Awareness?

How Can I Get to the Next Level?

This self-help tool is like getting your own magic wand - it quickly and elegantly takes you to a perfect place where change is ready to happen for you today and helps you shift your own frequency for positive change.

In the course I show you how to:

- Identify the negative energy surrounding you.  Everyone has a long list  problems but my method will help you deal with problem you most need to address in the present moment to make a difference.  

- Do a muscle check that identifies the energy of a problem/pattern
(like checking the oil in your car)

- Use maps that tap into your own internal 'GPS” to determine where and what is creating the problem that is now a vibrating pattern of energy in your field and reach a new place of understanding.  

- Use the tools that clean up your field. Once you learn how to attain a deeper understanding of the conscious and unconscious things holding the problem in your field of energy I will show you how to clear it out and resonate with what you want instead. These are timeless easy to do energy exercises and practices anyone can learn. Locate exactly which one you need for the circumstances showing up in your life today.

- Learn to read the Maps for Waking Up! - Once we identify the patterns and our resonance with them, we move into new levels of coherence and life feels great. Eventually our energy system will want more and new problems will emerge. Discover the maps of waking up and growing up from Ken Wilber’s Integral theory that can help make sense of it all AND move you forward.

This course is for anyone who wants a practical self-help tool you can use anytime life starts to feel chaotic or you feel pulled down and want to regain your center. It is also a wonderful tool to use to create the next happy or positive thing you want in your life - resonate with a new skill, learn something, achieve something, a new positive habit, improve a relationship etc.

The Integral Life Repatterning Process is a practical introduction to clearing up energy patterns and energizing your life vision and other intentions that help you create a positive life story. It taps into your own inner wisdom, creates a customized response for your process and helps you live your life from a higher energy state.

In this Introductory 10-week interactive course you will learn:

The law of resonance and how it changes everything
  • The principles of biofeedback that generates your access card for creating positive change
  • The resonance checking tool (some call it muscle testing - I call it checking) and how to use it
  • An exploration of the spiraling path of awareness + your next step (Integral You)
  • How to Use the Integral Life Repatterning Session Guide for change
  • How to use 4  simple Repatternings
    (add to this library with future courses and downloads)
  • Energy practices to shift your frequencies

Use these tools to:

·         Transform day to day problems with new thought habits

·         Address negative thought patterns daily

·         Supercharge your intentions for manifestation

·         Become aware of new areas of growth for your well being

·         Enjoy the inner freedom, calmness, joy and happiness that you can create for yourself with this simple understanding and method. Feel the energetic difference before and after your sessions.

The course includes a program support page with recordings, course outline, repatterning downloads, and opportunities to connect with participants for practice.

Venue - Live and Interactive... We meet online via zoom video conferencing; audio recordings of the class are available afterwards.

Ready to learn this method of self inquiry? I would love to show you how to use if for yourself. I know you will never look back! Please register today!

With light and love

Carolyn Winter,
Holographic Coach

Note: this course is intended to teach a method of self-inquiry and energy practices for personal use. It is not intended for practitioner-ship, licensed practice or to use with others outside of a mutual exchange of self-help.

Contact Carolyn Winter 
Phone: 416-763-6306


Copyright by Carolyn Winter 2000-2024.  All rights reserved.