Understandings that Change Everything... Everything has is own unique vibration.
From soup to nuts - politicians, brands, colors, families, our physical body, clothing, communities, processions', thoughts, feelings, values, - anything you can name or imagine has its own frequency expressed in cycles per second (how fast it vibrates).
Frequencies are attracted to each other as in 'like' attracts 'like'. It's like tuning into an old fashion radio station. Either you hear the station clearly or get static.
Similarly with any energy…. You either match a frequency and experience it as “ON” or don’t match it as in … “OFF”
What you resonate with of course is what you then experience - good or bad.
We tend to not think about what is buzzing around in our orbit and often suffer the consequences of bad energy. The key here is to know that for everything you are experiencing... the only reason it shows up for you is that you have that exact vibration in your field of energy. So you have A MATCH!