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What clients are saying... 

"Ever since I have been getting repatterings, my life has completely changed to such bright light that I cannot believe how happy and peaceful I am from my soul and my heart.

I have come from an unpleasant home situation way back when. Now I am definitely a completely radiant being who truly loves life.

Also, it has been beneficial in all of my relationships. I now attract amazing wonderful situations and people!!  Everything always seems to be working out for me easily and what doesn't just simply falls away.

The healing work Carolyn provides is incredible!! I will continue with this process forever.

Highly, highly recommend Carolyn and her services!!"

Aanya D.
Executive Assistant

"I have had the deep pleasure of working with Carolyn Winter and her Repatterning Systems since 2003! My sessions have ranged in topics from career to relationships to creativity. I have experienced a great deal of clarity, release and regeneration from her skillful guidance and intuitive knowledge of the Resonance Repatterning System. I enjoy participating in her group repatternings as well as individual sessions. I highly recommend anyone to work with Carolyn. Nothing is too hard for her to handle!"

Lucia August

Licensed Psychotherapist, retired


"I am truly grateful to have found Carolyn and her work. About a year ago, I was searching the internet for a solution to my issues with social anxiety, overeating, failed relationships, low self-esteem etc. Up until then, I had explored EFT and a few other practices, but I just wasn't seeing the results I was desiring, and I was starting to feel a deep sense of hopelessness.

I stumbled across Carolyn's Nun repatterning work that briefly referenced EFT (which I was familiar with), so I thought "hey, why not..this is different and sounds kind of cool, maybe it will work, maybe it won't." So I took a leap of faith and booked a Holographic Repatterning session. I haven't looked back since!

I wasn't sure what to expect at first, but I surrendered to the process. The session went by very quickly and by the end, I felt calm and relaxed - much less tense. Carolyn was very reassuring and explained the concepts well.

I went ALL IN with a 12 session package and am so glad that I did.   

My life has changed tremendously....

The changes were very subtle, and I didn't even realize they were happening until one day I looked around and just knew I wasn't same person that I was months ago. I've let go of toxic relationships in my life with ease and love (they just naturally fell away), I've met new friends who share my passions and interests, everyday I'm stepping more into my true and authentic self, and it feels good to put my well-being and heath first. What's so great is that I didn't really have to do anything but keep living my life and things just naturally fell into place. Almost like magic or a miracle.

I am forever grateful to Carolyn for sharing this work with the world.

Deionna, Accountant

P.S. OH, and I manifested a HUGE raise and bonus at my job this week!!! Thank you so much Carolyn ❤️"

"I have been working with Carol for 6 years now and she has managed to help me tremendously with any and every problem (despite most of my sessions being online). Be it an emotional challenge or even a pain that manifested physically,

Carol's repatterning has worked like magic. I am forever grateful to Carolyn Winter for having shown me a compassionate way forward. Her insights have been so spot on.

I love most about her, is her calm way of explaining the processes, and way of healing which doesn't require me to go through a tedious and complex process myself.

I have always felt safe and extremely comfortable in her hands and would recommend her to anybody who needs any kind of healing.

Carolyn thank you for your love and for always making time and being there for me."

Reena Singh

"I own a 20 yr old business in the US. I work with Carolyn and Holographic Coaching in order to maintain a high level of Confidence/Success in my personal and business life. Carolyn is at the top of her game in this work.

I would highly recommend anyone personally or professionally that would like to move to a higher level of coherence and success in their life to invest in themselves and see the results from working with Carolyn.

I can honestly state its an enlightening experience that will open new understandings in your life."

With my Highest Respect. Rob

"Carolyn Winter is an exceptional facilitator for personal healing and growth.

She has been my go to person for years now, whenever I have felt stuck, or overwhelmed by a life challenge, old or new. I feel safe in her hands and for me, that's a big deal.

Her holographic coaching sessions are key. The process quickly, intuitively and accurately gets to the heart of the matter. And Carolyn is the most skillful, non-judgemental translator for what your own body and person is ready to tell you. At times it has almost felt like magic, because the insights are so spot on without a lot of preamble.

I am forever grateful that I was introduced to Carolyn Winter.

For me her holographic coaching sessions have been life-changing; bringing me closer to my true self. I am more confident, rooted and calm. Now I tap Carolyn for a Session to support me in my present goals and future dreams. I don't know of any other coaching that can do that, as well as Carolyn."

Marie (producer/writer)

"I often start a session confused, hitting a wall on issues. Within 24 hours I have brand new perspectives, issues shrink and sometimes just disappear…everything flows in a positive direction. My life is enhanced. Many stubborn issues have lifted and many beautiful intentions have come true.

Carolyn has integrity, talent, craft & magic. And she’s a once-in-a-lifetime find as a healer. I trust her implicitly.

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. It’s a non-invasive process (communication based). It’s tricky to understand how it works initially, but work it does! It reduces suffering and promotes healing and I’d say we can all use more of that.

I have recommended Carolyn to several of my besties over the twenty plus years I’ve worked with her! Told them to give themselves the gift of working with her. Her explanation of what she does, how it works, is better than mine. Just go! Every single person was thrilled and proved it through a continuing to work with her."

-Jo E, Business Owner

"The social isolation that I was experiencing during COVID-19 really highlighted the fact that my friendships were not as close as I would have liked them to be, and had not been for a long time. So I decided to address this issue with Carolyn during one-on-one sessions. Almost immediately I noticed i noticed tangible results...  that my friends were inviting me to hang out, within the parameters of public health guidelines, of course! Now 9 months into social distancing, I have virtual meet-ups with my friends regularly, both one-on-one and in various group configurations. It has been a long time since I felt this tight, close-knit connection to my friends, and this is happening during a time when social relationships are strained more than ever. I am so grateful for this work - thank you Carolyn!"

DW, Artist, Toronto

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Phone: 416-763-6306


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