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PHD: Life Vision Intention Repatterning - Setting Our Internal GPS for Greatness in 2025

  • January 31, 2025
  • 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Online via Video Conferencing


  • The PHD program is complimentary for the Premium Membership; Register for each event to be included in the session and receive access details.

    SPECIAL - INVITE A GUEST option to register a friend for $25.00
  • Please login to register. – $45.00
    Not a Member? Please visit and join. Then return to the event calendar on the home page.

    SPECIAL - - INVITE A GUEST option to register a friend for $25.00
  • Receive link to send in your information for repatterning, participate in the live event, and receive the PDF download for notes after the event along with link for audio/video online and audio download.
  • – $99.00
    Obtain your annual Premium Membership subscription and this event as well as the next 11 PHD events are complimentary.
  • Clear any number of patterns regarding your inner light or other core life issues with a package of 12 personal Holographic Coaching sessions with Carolyn Winter. Sessions may be paced as needed to support your goals. This is an ideal option for anyone to make a permanent shift in some aspect of life.

    Your event registration AND
    12 month Premium membership ARE included.
  • Clear any number of patterns regarding your inner light or other core life issues with a package of 12 personal Holographic Coaching sessions with Carolyn Winter. Sessions may be paced as needed to support your goals. This is an ideal option for anyone to make a permanent shift in some aspect of life.

    Your event registration AND
    12 month Premium membership ARE included.

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Join our next Personal Holographic Discoveries

Group Session for....

Life Vision Intention Repatterning – Setting Our Internal GPS for Greatness in 2025 

Friday January 31st 2025 at 3:30-4:300PM Eastern
[12:30pm Pacific | 1:30pm Mountain | 2:30pm Central | 8:30pm London UK]

In theories of chaos and complexity, energy moves to create form using a principle called a “Strange Attractor”.  The energy that forms a strange attractor draws or “attracts” elements from the free-flowing chaotic patterns around it. It changes the coherence and shape of things, acting like a beacon, resonating a frequency of energy that attracts similar frequencies. 

In your personal life, anything you’ve assigned purpose and meaning (whether you meant to or not!) is a strange attractor. Your intentions, whether spoken, written, or simply a half-formed idea floating around in your mind, can be very powerful strange attractors.   For example, I set the intention to find a vintage teapot for my sister, to complete the set of dishes she inherited from our grandmother.  It's from the 1930s and in 12 years of looking on Ebay I have never seen it.  I had long given up looking for this item, however a year ago on a November evening while watching TV  - from out of nowhere, I felt an invisible tap on the shoulder and an inner urge to check EBay for the teapot.  To my absolute amazement there it was… at a very reasonable price. To this day I am astonished. 

If “strange attractors” attract similar frequencies, then the important question becomes: have you consciously chosen the strange attractors in your life? If your world feels like it is falling apart, or an aspect of it feels chaotic, it is an indication that the energy is no longer holding the form of your life the way you have been living it.  Perhaps your perspective needs updating or something new is needed. 

You can invite the new by consciously choosing your strange attractors, working at making them strong beacons for the energy that you want to draw to yourself. By resonating with your chosen attractors you can live a coherent, creative life no matter how chaotic your circumstances. You will have created an inner GPS call that your energy system will deliver you to. 

We must start with our intentions. Creating a Life Vision Intention is the primary strange attractor we can use to organize all of our other life intentions.  When you set a Life Vision Intention – and resonate with it - other things in your life will begin to show up to support it in tangible and intangible ways.  

In this repatterning we will... 

        Create or review a current life vision intention using  four questions  for reflection

        Identify what blocks us

        Identify issues and/or intentions that help us evolve to our next stage of spiritual growth and awareness.

        Create movement for our life vision with resonance for a spin story of success

This repatterning will help us to... 

        Create clarity for what we want in our life

        Clean up old patterns of being that block our growth

        Create movement for our life vision and supporting intentions

 Ready to move your life vision forward?...

Ready to move your life vision forward?...

Join me for the next PHD Repatterning
January 31st 
at 3:30 -4:30pm Eastern...

With light and love


Carolyn Winter

Holographic Coach

MEMBERS Press REGISTER [See gray column on the left] and provide your membership email address to obtain special pricing.

Your registration includes the opportunity to:

  • Send in your information for the live session via zoom
  • Download the post session custom notes
  • Video recording access and audio mp3 download.

Registration Options Include:

  • Member and Non Member Fees
  • Premium Membership Purchase (this session is then free)
  • Bring a Friend at a reduced price
  • A combination of the event plus one:one Holographic Coaching sessions with Carolyn Winter... to dive deeper into your personal circumstances

Contact Carolyn Winter 
Phone: 416-763-6306


Copyright by Carolyn Winter 2000-2024.  All rights reserved.