Energize! Repatterning
Resonating with Habits of Empowerment.
Friday February 24th 2023 at 1:00PM Eastern
[10:00am Pacific | 11:00am Mountain | 12:00p Central | 6:00pm London UK]
What daily habits support you in having a happy, content and fulfilled life? A tidy, clutter-free home? Eating well? A good night’s sleep? Daily meditation?
Are you handling irritations without being dysregulated? Keeping a positive outlook? How successfully do you maintain your daily habits of success?
The positive aspect of habits is that, once established, they tend to go on autopilot and are accomplished with little effort. When we energize some basic habits on a regular basis, our resonance with these habits helps us maintain them. We generally feel happy and content.
Energize! Is a program I offered for 12 years when I first launched my website in May 2000. Many participants wrote to let me know how these habits became second nature without noticing it happening. It can be that easy! In this next PHD repatterning we review over 10 categories of daily life habits for the patterns we need to resonate with right now.
As always, we'll start with our Life Vision Intention. Add your working copy to the repatterning or make up a new one. Every group session topic helps us to align with our greater intention or big goal that we have for our life.
Will it work? The session notes will help you confirm your results. From these notes, select at least one habit or quality you would like to improve and use it to track how this session makes a difference for you. Hopefully, like my earlier Energize participants, you will find change happens without even noticing it!
Wait, there’s more! I’ve also added an additional repatterning called 7 Life Maps that help unlock our next stage of conscious awareness. Each of these seven stages help us to access deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us, provides more options to deal with life and feel fully ourselves, free of the negative thinking that holds us back.
Resonate with habits of empowerment in my next Personal Holographic Discovery Group session
In this repatterning we will...
- Identify and strengthen our resonance with Daily Empowerment qualities of success.
- Energize our life vision intention
- Identify the qualities that will help us build a coherent Life Story that includes empowered habits of success.
This repatterning will help us to:
- Improve our positive choices moment by moment
- Transcend and include out-dated habits of thinking that hold us back
- Take action on our life vision intention
- Tell a better story about our how our life is working out.
Ready to resonate with Habits of Empowerment?
Join me for the next PHD Repatterning Friday February 24th at 1:00pm Eastern - Energize! Repatterning
With light and love
Carolyn Winter
PS - Group sessions are always fun to do with a friend so you can support each other's progress. Check out my "bring a friend" option when you register.
MEMBERS Press REGISTER [See gray column on the left] and provide your membership email address to obtain special pricing.
Your registration includes the opportunity to:
- send in your information for the session
- download the post session custom notes and contemplation cards
- access video recording of session and audio mp3 download.
PSS - Become a PREMIUM member and this event as well as the PHD Archive of past events are FREE!!!! Go to JOIN