Mercury Goes Retrograde for the LAST TIME this Year!!!
December 13 - January 2 2024
Join us for
The Aligned for Mercury Retrograde Session
With Julie Simmons & Carolyn Winter
Monday December 11 2023 at 2:30pm Eastern[
[11:30pm Pacific | 12:30pm Mtn | 1:30pm Central & 7:30pm UK]
Resonate with the best of this astrological influence when you participate in this repatterning group. Customize your experience by sending in your issues and intentions for this Mercury retrograde, join us for the live session or watch the video afterwards, and reflect on your experience with the session notes.
Astrologer Julie Simmons writes about THIS Mercury Retrograde...
Flavor of Mercury retrograde December 13 – January 2 2023
This Mercury retrograde period is particularly cosmic this year. The midpoint of the retrograde period lands on December 22 at the solstice point. The story of Solstice is the birth of the light. The Sun, which has been sinking lower and lower in the sky, making the days shorter and shorter is miraculously born again into a slow and steady rise which will brighten the skies and bring another round of spring and then summer (even if it takes a while!).
Even folks who live near the equator celebrate the season. It’s an archetypal moment in the human psyche. This year we get a bonus conjunction - Mercury will be in conjunction to the Sun – an aspect called a cazimi, which comes from the Arabic and means “in the heart of the sun” – on the day of Solstice.
What can we take from this Mercury midpoint highlight right on Solstice? Could it be that we need to bring as much awareness and understanding as we can gather to the New Year that will take shape as the days grow brighter? This brief moment of Mercury cazimi, as it sits at the heart of the Sun, seems to be a powerful reminder to listen to the still, small voice within, the one that is easily blotted out by the relentless barrage of noise and distraction. To listen deeply at the Solstice is to hear nature speak to us. We benefit from her abundance and we suffer when she becomes sparse or damaged. It’s that simple. To acknowledge this is to settle down in our bodies even as we once again, celebrate the miracle of the birth of the light.
As Mercury enters the shadow of the retrograde it will be in Sagittarius. It will square Neptune and conjunct Mars (which will square Neptune later in December). These are uneasy aspects. As it moves into Capricorn it makes more favorable aspects: a sextile to Saturn and a trine to Jupiter. This retrograde period has two parts: Reminding us in Sagittarius that even if there is a sucker born every minute, it doesn’t have to be us. While in Capricorn it shows us that when we align with the natural world, when we overcome the distracting chatter and allow that we are embodied beings, we benefit.
As it leaves the shadow it will square Neptune and conjunct Mars once again before finding stability again in Capricorn. There is a heap of information as well as misinformation in this world. Be mindful. And once you make it through the ‘fire swamp’ of the square to Neptune, as January turns to February there are things to be done if we are to be good citizens of the natural world. Tell that to your politicians.
For the exact dates of the aspects you can check the Insights column at my website.
Warm regards,
What is Mercury Retrograde all About?
Oh the stories about Mercury in retrograde motion! This astrological influence affects all of us but those working in certain industries may feel it more… The work of writers, broadcasters, webmasters, publishers and lawyers alike may feel held hostage when the trickster god Mercury gets underfoot!
So what is all the commotion about?
The general Mercury retrograde story goes like this: When Mercury is retrograde it’s easy to miss the details; to misunderstand what was said; to misread what was written; to get the dates wrong or to forget to show up. This is why the common advise is to refrain from signing contracts, making major commitments or undertaking major new endeavors .
Still, life must go on, contracts must be signed, houses bought, marriages (heaven forefend!) made; babies born and so forth. By aligning ourselves with the retrograde energy we can move through this period with a minimum of misery, a deepening of our connection to our soul and some really funny stories if we keep our sense of humor.
You can decide to align with this energy and make it work in your favor. Change your own holopattern of energy for managing Mercury retrograde.
Julie Simmons, Astrologer & Carolyn Winter, Resonance Repatterning Practitioner combine their talents to provide a unique energy-healing-at-a-distance program.
Carolyn Winter, uses the Resonance Repatterning (holographic repatterning) method of energy work to create new patterns for living life with more energy, purpose and positive results. She also does energy work at a distance using holographic repatterning and online interactive formats for groups who have a shared topic. Together with astrologer Julie Simmons, Carolyn repatterns our particular life circumstances and creates new patterns for the group to positively align with Mercury Retrograde.
For the last time this year...
Mercury Retrograde December 13 2023 Details:
Shadow in: Nov. 26
Station Retrograde: December 13, 2023
Station Direct: January 02, 2024
Shadow Out: Jan. 21
ALSO... the Sun when it moves from west to east of the Sun: Dec. 22 1:55 pm (right at the solstice!))
The next live session is a day or two earlier on
Monday December 11 2023 at 2:30pm Eastern
via zoom video conferencing.
Register to align your energy with this astrological influence!
(at the grey area on the left).
with light and love
Carolyn Winter. Holographic Coach and
Julie Simmons, Astrologer