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Free Event - Your questions answered Re: The Integral Life Repatterning Course

  • April 08, 2022
  • 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
  • Online via zoom video conferencing


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The Integral Life Repatterning Course
Energy Tools and Maps for
 Creating Positive  Personal Change for Yourself

..with Carolyn Winter

Free Q & A + Group Repatterning
April 8th 2022
3:00-3:45pm Eastern 

[12noon Pacific | 1:00pm Mountain | 2:00pm Central & 8:00pm London]

You are the engine, I’m just giving you the keys.

I am really excited to announce the launch of my new course at and would love for you to join me!   

The Integral Life Repatterning Process: Energy Tools and Maps for Creating Positive Personal Change for Yourself.

Whether you are on a spiritual or personal path of self discovery and healing, my Integral Life Repatterning method helps you manage the 'river of life's challenges', set new intentions and manifest them and and provides you with a tool you can use to continually create a new better version of yourself. People on this journey often ask...

How Many Sessions Do I Need?

Where Am I on the Map of Awareness?

How Can I Get to the Next Level?

This self-help tool is like getting the keys to your own Ferrari - it quickly and elegantly drives you to a perfect place where change is ready to happen for you today and helps you shift your own frequency for positive change.

Can you learn to shift these patterns for yourself?  ABSOLUTELY! 

Find out how and please join me for this FREE Introductory Q & A session where I will give a brief overview of the training, answer all your questions and do a demonstration repatterning for the live group.  Yes! audio recording will be available afterwards. 

Register today to obtain access details. 

I look forward to seeing you on April 8th 2002 

with love and light 


Carolyn Winter, Holographic Coach
416-763-6306 (Landline in Toronto) 

Contact Carolyn Winter 
Phone: 416-763-6306


Copyright by Carolyn Winter 2000-2024.  All rights reserved.