Mastering Time Repatterning
Saturday June 17th 2021 at 1:00-2:30PM Eastern
[10:00am Pacific | 11:00am Mountain | 12:00p Central | 6:00pm London UK]
Have you noticed the weird and sometimes magical aspects of time? Getting lost in time, time speeding up, time seeming to be endless? In the world of physics Einstein is quoted as saying 'we only keep time to prevent everything in the quantum field from happening all at once' (imagine your past, present and future colliding!). Some say the banks invented time in order to get their loans repaid and we’ve been slaves to time ever since!
In this repatterning we will explore the energetic nature of time and how we can resonate with it to our own advantage and support the manifestation of our life vision intention. We will….
Identify and resonate with the coherent qualities of managing time that will help us manage our life effectively including:
- clearing our negative beliefs regarding time
- clearing our non coherent use of time that depletes our energy
- clearing time issues related to our birth process
- understanding the importance and using the 'discontinuous moment'
- resonating with having all the time in the world to accomplish important things
This next PHD repatterning will help us to :
- Understand the quantum mechanics of time
- Create a better relationship with time
- Resonate with Priorities, saying no, and completing goals
- Experience flow states of time
- Listen to the whisperings of our future
- tell ourselves a better story about our how our life is working out.
Ready to master time? ...
Join me for the next PHD Repatterning Thursday June 17th at 1:00pm Eastern - A Repatterning to resonate with Hope for Where you life is going
With light and love
Carolyn Winter
PS - Group sessions are always fun to do with a friend so you can support each others progress. Check out my bring a friend option when you register.
MEMBERS Press REGISTER [See gray column on the left] and provide your membership email address to obtain special pricing.
Your registration includes the opportunity to:
- send in your information for the session
- download the post session custom notes and contemplation cards
- video recording access and audio mp3 download.
PSS - Become a PREMIUM member (or renew) and this event as well as the PHD Archive of past events are FREE!!!! Go to JOIN