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Resonate with Hope for Where Your Life is Going

  • May 15, 2021
  • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • online video conferencing using zoom


  • Members please login to register.

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    SPECIAL - INVITE A GUEST option to register a friend for $25.00
  • Receive link to send in your information for repatterning, participate in the live event, and receive the PDF download for notes and contemplation cards after the event along with link for audio/video online and audio download.

    SPECIAL - INVITE A GUEST option to register a friend for $25.00
  • The PHD program is complimentary for the Premium Membership; Register for each topic to be included in the session and receive access details.

    Not a Member? Please visit and join. Then return to the event calendar on the home page.

    SPECIAL - INVITE A GUEST option to register a friend for $25.00

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Resonate with Hope for Where Your Life is Going
Saturday May 15th 2021 at 1:00PM Eastern 

[10:00am Pacific | 11:00am Mountain | 12:00p Central | 6:00pm London UK]

It's spring here in Toronto and typically the wood element qualities of this energy are all around us, - new beginnings, creativity, hope, positive self-assertion potential, identity and more.   But we are no longer in typical times with the 3rd and 4th wave of the pandemic crushing the hopes of many people everywhere that the pandemic rages.   While most of us are surviving, we are not really flourishing.  A recent New York Times article says it all.... THERE’S A NAME FOR THE BLAH YOU’RE FEELING: IT’S CALLED LANGUISHING.  Languishing is the word I think brilliantly captures how many are experiencing life in general if not the spring season.  It is the non-coherent side of wood element energy. 

The article claims if you are suffering from this non coherent state of being you are not alone and that I - feel, may be part of the problem. You are tapping into the collective energy – a morphic field of resonance of this frequency.    Conscious deliberate actions may be the way out...

Like the daisies  pictured above we need to be aware of our state of being and reach for a healthier response to life.  The daisies remind me of the qualities of hopefulness and positive self-assertion as the flowers defy hard gravel and cement (our collective feeling response about the pandemic) to find the light no matter how limited their space.  Now that is optimism!  Read more on this topic  at the blog post..>>>

In this repatterning we will...

  • Name and clear the malaise we collectively  feel due pandemic circumstances
  • Name intentions for movement, growth and well being that also supports our life vision intention
  • Identify the coherent qualities that will help us build a coherent Life Story 

This repatterning will help us to :

  • daydream about  our life vision intention - our ideal life and start living it. 
  • listen to the whisperings of our future self 
  • take action on our life vision intention 
  • tell a better story about our how our life is working out. 

Ready to be rejuvenated?  ...

Join me for the next PHD Repatterning Saturday  May 15th  at 1:00pm Eastern - A Repatterning to resonate with Hope for Where you life is going 

With light and love

Carolyn Winter

PS - Group sessions are always fun to do with a friend so you can support each others progress.  Check out my bring a friend option when you register. 

MEMBERS Press REGISTER [See gray column on the left] and provide your membership email address to obtain special pricing.

Your  registration includes the opportunity to:

  • send in your information for the session
  • download the post session custom notes and contemplation cards 
  • video recording access and audio mp3 download. 

PSS - Become a PREMIUM member and this event as well as the PHD Archive of past events are FREE!!!!  Go to JOIN 

Contact Carolyn Winter 
Phone: 416-763-6306


Copyright by Carolyn Winter 2000-2024.  All rights reserved.