Next PHD: World Peace My Hologram

Thursday November 21 at 6:00pm Eastern
[3:00pm Pacific | 4:00pm: Mountain | 5:00pm Central | 11:00pm UK ]
Do you recoil at the state of the world after taking in the latest news?
I have often wondered why we still have a world where so many people are living a life of misery, or why the planet is also suffering under environmental abuse. After all, this is also time of great innovation and advancement in technology, communication tools unimagined by our ancestors, and more knowledge and education being made accessible to more people than ever. Despite all the knowledge, we still have wars, agendas to wipe out entire communities, global warming resulting in more frequent 'once in a hundred years' weather disasters, and so on.
Our own field of energy may spiral down in reaction to events we feel helpless to resolve. How can we create peace in the world when the energy of non-coherence from others feels like a tsunami?
It helps to remember that we are all instruments of resonance and connected on the energy grid of humanity. We are constantly uploading and downloading vibrations to this grid and we are more powerful than we realize. Consistently and mindfully clearing our energy field of non-coherent patterns contributes to the impact we can have with the power of our thoughts. With that in mind, together we can move in a positive direction for peace.
Beyond politics and who we feel is right or wrong (as Rumi is quoted) there is a field where only the power of love prevails and melts all negativity.
Meet me there...
Join me in this November 21 for my next PHD group session where our focus will be on creating peace for a world issue of your choice.
In this session you will have the opportunity to clear a personal issue and support an intention that mirrors your world peace issue - that is the holographic part. Together we will all make intentions for multiple aspects of the situation and do simple energy modalities to raise our frequencies. I warmly invite you to attend or at least sign up and lend your energy to the session. The more people we have involved, the bigger and more long lasting the wave of influence we will be creating.
Join me November 21st to create a resonance of peace within ourselves and simultaneously create peace in the world. Let's do what we can to change the energy!
Ready to ‘World Peace’ Your Hologram?
Join me for the next PHD Repatterning on Thursday November 21 at 6:00pm Eastern
... Start by completing this form.
With light and love
Carolyn Winter, Holographic Coach